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Oct 2021 · 619
Drunk Confessions
Dreamypretty Oct 2021
I'm not entirely sure if it's you I love
Or just the feeling of being in love.
Is it the taste of red wine
Or it's mild woozy high?
Written in wooziness
Aug 2021 · 1.0k
After the Party
Dreamypretty Aug 2021
Cigarette buds
Empty glasses
Always a wine glass shatters
Leftover biryani
Leg bones
The crease in the beds
Sofa cushions on the floor
Guests have left
Empty house
Just me and the wait for the next weekend.
Jul 2021 · 621
The Airport Bookshop
Dreamypretty Jul 2021
You are my favorite pitstop
O, airport bookshop.
A coffee in hand and a book in my lap
is all I need to feel on top.
I wish I was in one right now.
Jul 2021 · 163
The Coffee Shop
Dreamypretty Jul 2021
If I can be somewhere
At any given time, anywhere,
I would like to be
In the shop of coffee.

A coffee shop
Bustling with the noises
Of all ages.
Alive with the aroma,
Of a fresh brew
Smelling also of the
Baked bread, cookies, and cakes
Is my favorite escape.

I think a coffee shop
Is the perfect prototype
Of all life.
I enjoy looking at strangers
and wonder
what are their stories?
A girl and a boy
met here for the first time.
A bunch of girls laughing
their hearts out.
A young romance
budding in excitement.
An old couple
sitting together in silence
speaking of the love of a lifetime.
A bunch of guys
after an exciting match
Sitting here to cool off and relax
Bringing in the boyish charm.

I love a coffee shop
Especially the quaint ones
With a local touch, rustic vibes
And an old man.
I love a coffee shop
In the quiet corner,
Or the city center.

I love a coffee shop
Anywhere in the world
Because I am happy in one.
Missing sitting in one.
Jun 2021 · 327
The End.
Dreamypretty Jun 2021
You were once
my hopeful future.
Now just
a subject of my hopeless poem.
Glad it is this way.
Jun 2021 · 596
This needs to change
Dreamypretty Jun 2021
Started a new job in a new company
this week was all about pleasantry.
"Hello, welcome", they said
I am so and so and you?
Ah and are you married?
When I say 'No' the introduction just seems to end
Like marriage and kids is the only identity.
A woman does not exist without it?
I am a person, I have more to me.
Ask me about my education, my passions
or just my city.
A plain "Tell me about yourself" will also do.
So I can chose what I share with you.
Just don't start with your old age reflections of my tribe.
There is an abominable traditional vibe 
And it needs to change.
This happened to me.
May 2021 · 290
Why I write?
Dreamypretty May 2021
So much misery
Such less poetry
Makes it hard to live fully
Hence, I write freely
To make the cosmos glee.
May 2021 · 130
Feelings one year ago.
Dreamypretty May 2021
1 year, 1 month, 10 days, a million minutes, and a trillion seconds
Trying to forget you
And you keep coming back.

I wonder I cry, I hurt
And try a zillion times to forget you
But you keep coming back.

And then I smile
Because am I even surprised?
How could you ever come back
when you never actually left.
You never left my hope.
Feelings one year ago.
Apr 2021 · 522
Me to the Universe
Dreamypretty Apr 2021
I am grateful to see your light
in the waves as it reflects.
Reminding me that all of us
The entire Universe
has the same light inside us
all we need to do is to embrace it
and embrace each other.
Sunset beach thoughts
Dreamypretty Apr 2021
What comes to mind if I say the words
Hot and Bold,
Love and anger
Can you define them all with a single color?
I have had phases of yellow, pink and
Even white
Of lavender, mauve, and also purple
Well, that phase is here still.

But the color that I call mine
Is also my favorite wine.
It makes a woman more classy
And a man mighty sweaty

How spirited to be associated even with a devil
Oh my, isn’t that what would be the color of a rebel?

I wonder I when I took that color
to be all mine and define my personality
because of all its versatility.
Am I it or Is it me?
Because no other color defines me
It is the color of cherry, of vermilion berry
It is the color of roses and sunset scarlets
Yes, it is the color - red
That always keeps my soul bred.
What's your favourite color?
Apr 2021 · 140
Pseudo Feminism
Dreamypretty Apr 2021
“Oh, she is a feminist

You know what I mean”.

They call me out

On being one.

As if it is a disease like AIDS

You know what I mean 😉

As if I was bitten by a mosquito and got the condition overnight?

Remember at a wedding when you were only nine

And that uncle kept staring and purposely brushed past all the time

Or in the bus, that old man kept touching between your legs

And you were only six.

Remember when you bought a very expensive watch

And in a great excitement

Showed it to your best friend

And she meanly asked,

Who gifted?

When a friend says you know what

You must compromise a bit to be married.

Whereas the same friend tells a male friend

“Oh, he’s just not liking anyone.”

When your parents tell you to act dumb

So, the guy does not feel intimated.

Or they tell you to laugh low

So, he can feel high.

Stop doing it

Stop asking your friend who she is dating

When she already told you, multiple times, that she’s single.

Do you know how it feels?

To be second judged on every opinion

Only because you don’t have one of those things

Between your legs

Or more so

Because you proudly say

That you are a feminist.

So, stop

Just stop calling yourselves feminists
Because it's not just about rapes, equal pays, and glass ceilings
It’s also about these little things.
And may you realize someday
That it's not about man and woman
It is just about being human.
Apr 2021 · 125
Forest Bathing
Dreamypretty Apr 2021
Creepers, twigs, tiny flower
I didn't realize that there is power
In existing without the expectation of being seen.
#haiku #forestbathing
Mar 2021 · 111
Dreamypretty Mar 2021
Two years and I still think of you
and your name keeps showing up in the books I read
Or the Netflix shows I watch.
Should I call you?
Some say its a sign from the Universe
some call it an excuse, some just random chaos.
I'm torn between the signs of the Universe
and the reasoning of my brain.

Two years and I am still writing a poem about you.
And staring blankly at my laptop screen right now.
I should have written about you earlier
and now I'm just plain drunk.
My heart still says NO to calling him.
Jan 2021 · 149
Not enough ?
Dreamypretty Jan 2021
Why in the world is it not enough?

Why just being me is not enough?

Why do I have to be rich and pretty,

But why not, just me?

It is not enough to be kind

You must also have a mind.

Hey! you are such a misfit

Don’t spread your legs, you must know how to sit.

It is not enough to just be in your own skin

Oh! my lord, that’s a sin.

You must follow the rules of the road

Don’t ask questions, just copy and move ahead.

It’s not enough to be independent

Then you’re too ambitious for your own splendent.

The six-figure salary is not enough

Because life will still get tough and the path rough.

It is not enough when you’re single

Because you must also be ready to mingle.

Not enough when you’re married

Because after that you must also have a kid.

It’s funny how they decide

The course of my life.

Whether I run, walk or just sleep.

When what I really want is

To sing, dance and swim deep.

I don’t care how

Successful and clever you could be.

Because I just want to be me.

And someday, I hope it will be enough.
circa 2019.
I have kind of found my footing now. And I'm sure it is enough.
Jan 2021 · 266
Dreamypretty Jan 2021
I write but I'm not a writer
I dance but I'm not a dancer
I sing but I'm not a singer
And I travel but I'm not a traveler
Because I am all of it and more
Don't limit me to a label
Because I am so much more.
We all are.
Friday Thoughts. Always be more !
Jan 2021 · 425
In your own time
Dreamypretty Jan 2021
I walked instead of running
and noticed the trees around
some were purple, some were pink
some were trees with brown leaves ready to fall
other with buds ready to flower
some bright green like fresh sprout
some dark cocoa like all out
And to me it occurred that
some were autumn, some were spring
There my heart said to me :
Even in nature everything grows as per the grand scheme
Girl, you shall have it all
In your own time.
True story. Decided to walk today instead of running as my legs were fully worked out from yesterday. Relax. Breath. Inhale. Exhale.
Jan 2021 · 381
Dreamypretty Jan 2021
Got introduced to haiku today
Thought I will write one some day
And Today is that day
LOL Myfirsthaiku
Jan 2021 · 533
What I am looking for?
Dreamypretty Jan 2021
Looking into the oblivion
Staring blankly into this yellow wall
In the midst of a house party
My housewarming party
What I am looking for?

When my friends are drinking and dancing
And I'm sitting there even though I'm smiling
They ask me, Pretty : why do you look sad?
I don’t even know if I’m sad or just plain.. blank.
What am I looking for?

Everyplace I go, the horizon at the sea or the peak of a mountain
Or when I’m just chilling in my den
Staring into the silence.
What am I looking for ?

Is knowing too much a bane?
Isn’t a foolish person happier?

It’s funny isn’t it? Or just an irony?
That as I write this sitting on the chair in my room
After that house party, my housewarming party
I stare blankly at this wall and the wall stares blankly at me
And then we are a perfect company !
I wrote this sometime when I was battling a heartbreak, a void, probably depression. To all of you who feel the emptiness, I want to say that it does not last. You are stronger than that and you can beat it.
Jan 2021 · 973
Dreamypretty Jan 2021
How amazing it is
that when you clean your closet
you find things you lost, that you forgot you had.

Is it then
if you clean your mind
you will find memories you made but dint know existed?
And if you clean your heart
the love you never felt?
Just Sunday things
Jan 2021 · 294
Ocean's Story
Dreamypretty Jan 2021
What do you think
is the oceans story?
Does it love
or hate the Sun and the shore?

The Sun is a lover, for sure
Which embraces and sinks in it everyday.
Only to rise again and die in its arms again.

Whereas the ocean eternally longs for the shore
But is it intense love
Or extreme hatred
to destroy it ?
Random thoughts on the beach
Jan 2021 · 1.2k
The Fire Inside You
Dreamypretty Jan 2021
There is a fire inside you
Like that of a rising sun.
You’re the promise of a new dawn
Like the purple and the orange of the setting sun.

You’re the sound of the Ocean
That can still be heard inside a shell
after a million days.
You’re the poem and the rhythm in it
And finer when they words don’t rhyme.

You are stronger than your past,
Stronger than your doubts
And even stronger than your fears.

You are more than what they tell you
And much more than you thought you could ever be.
You my dear, are beautiful and complete
Because the fire inside you is, YOU.

— The End —