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LannaEvolved Jan 2021
People are fascinating, but the world in which they exist is more so because they entertain it in their living.

I live to explore the social and personal roles of humanity.

I live to create art.

I live to inspire others in my defined ways.

I live to evolve effervescently.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
A resilient connected soul is the vein of a wildly creative heart
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
The most fearing is the most

The most pressing
comes through the window  
of the knowing  

that I wouldn't be ready for you 10 years ago

The thought that you may have never been able to know me

Even when I could see you in my dreams so vividly so specifically  
in the nature of this life form

I was drawn to so many others I secretly couldn't stand
in front of
without making me sick and quivel
they were never you
not once

They could only attempt to

the connection the electric magnetic  
wires stretched between my teeth

caught up
in the circles of so many dimly lit flames screaming red caution  
splattered out pain  
I didn’t listen

I hadn’t a thing to gain  
except the knowing awareness  
through the respect of them  
deadlight, sound blank space
No pulse to work with until the truth came to talk to me during visits to the dentist and there I was just yearning for the attention of The One.  

They came one after the other as does a nightmare with a ***** little secret

It couldn't be
I never told myself anything
I just knew

But what does it mean to know when you are only real
in your loneliness?

When no one can see you for who you really are

Makes you feel kinda lonely…  

This is the real prison.  

When you know that.
And there is nothing to do about it, but wait
pray but trust in Him my God, to let him move you fluidly straight to You in Light and Truth.  

I see you, I see you. And, you're not alone.
You're my best friend.  
One of the most amazing people I've ever known.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Every unwanted feeling we feel is constructed through the mental energy we place on those who make an attempt to corrupt our truth and our true nature.

That is how we in turn begin to develop patterns of behavior, where our heart shifts towards a certain way of being and becoming. The best part is we can choose and leave the past. It does not own us.
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Everybody tells me to forget
But when I hear the song in your voice
I just can't get away from you
The feeling begins anew
That's how it was when we first met

Lovin' your skin was more important
Felt the tip of your tongue
When you had me all wrong
Even in your death
I've got life in my palm
But I just can’t get away from all these memories  

Every time I close my eyes
I wake up in a Paradise
Wishing someone else was here tonight
To push my desires
And carve out my dreams
To match the life  
I've been waiting for

There is no medicine for this kind of treatment  
Your face is one big memory
Your brain is like a eulogy split
All the things you've done
And it won't leave my mind

Your ghost is haunting me
But now it’s telling me that all we had
is dead

I wish for everything
To go insane
So I can rest my brain
Stay in bed
What you made me do
Was too much for you

I was too good to you
But it's not over yet

As this dream scene makes me
see all the things you've done
Once haunted by your darkened melody
All over again

I'm not here to stay in your waking mess
Not mesmerized by your burning soul
Your eyes so cold and alone
Even when I get to heaven
I know

Gratitude defines the truth
in My soul

I got out of that void a long time ago
Now waiting on the other side

Maybe one day I'll find him
People ask me how you live on
I tell em when you find true love
It lives within your blood
It lives it does not move on

Everytime I close my eyes
I wake up in a Paradise
Wishing someone else was here tonight
To help my desires come to life  
I've waited for so long

And all I can do
Is be true
Knowing you once made me feel

My heart has mended the wall  
And I won't stay to try to convince it to feel something else
That is inauthentic

As this dream scene makes me
See all the things you've done
Once haunted by your darkened melody
All over again
My standards have become all the more honest  
And I just can't wait to get away tonight
The past is only significant in that it provides the important opportunity to help make us stronger and resilient as well as to prevail in times of struggle and distress both emotionally, physically, and mentally to overcome what we go through as human beings
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Is It You Again?

Self- Destruction
Head above water

Is paranoia
When I draw a circle

Take it back
Start a cycle

Like sandbags trying to keep
The flow of an ocean at bay

I’m afraid
To crash
On top of them

Maybe a cloud will catch me

I wonder. Would it feel like cotton powder?

Watching him close
Finding my way

Anxiety is the cat’s cry
Hoping to connect with a human
Who never sees them

At the same time
Trusting the day
Picking states
In a daze again...
In between
and creation
As human beings, we develop patterns of paranoia because of our attachment styles, but also because we are hard-wired for survival. The possibility of threat to our health or our mental stability becomes weaker when we fear that something may not work out. And that’s normal. We have to counteract that with the conviction that all will be ok because it truly will work out as it is meant to.
This is a matter of training and retraining our brain to accept what we have and relax without doubt or a scarcity mindset for what may come to pass outside of the here and now.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Taking Down the Mask with healthy vulnerability:

In order to evolve through each experience you need to evaluate

Pockets of Time.

Without change or experience of time there would be no butterflies
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
The perspective of what we see in another implies people's characters are transparent at all times.

Is it so, that we can truly change or have we always been who we are, and is it that other people have brought out those sides that show who we are not, but who we can be when surrounded by what is not meant for us whether that be unhealthy, undesirable, or simple errors in judgment that perhaps later turn into misfortunes over time...
LannaEvolved Jan 2021

                              e­very    line   that  
      in   it’s  crooʞed                                                    ­  

The end of the world on
(The Mayan Calendar)
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
When the bottle collapses the smoke stares back
It sees me better
Than a glass eye

Smirking creepily

I’m patiently waiting for it to change

Like the moments taken away

Helpnessness is an emptiness
That blocks out empowerment

It takes courage to reconfigure the empowered
To put your power in its place
And to recognize
That the mask must come down
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Love precisely

Like a sharp edge that speaks to us

Not everything is perfect
But it is meant
When you find the electric that makes you feel
You cannot be mistaken
For that is real trust
For which Love is built
Loving me in every moment
Comparison is a made up term
When it comes to us

Heart beating half a minute
Knowing this
Breathing silence
Loves me
All the more
What a rarity
To never think it
Would happen to us
Is mere doubt speaking in flows and whispers across the pond
When I can only hear this Power song

A universal permit
That I'll never question
Because I see you too
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Our bodies are not blank figures:

We are a composite of creation
made of invisible form

A container of thought
In body: a jar of human spirit

Taking down the mask each day:

I invite you into my stories of transformation:  

With heart, a wild spirit, and creative being-ness
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Persistence is your creative power.
Acceptance is your power’s creator.
What you accept is what you will live.
That is the integration of self-care.  

It is from your inner strength that becomes the affect of God: the Universe’s will.

An intimate vulnerable heart-to-soul relationship with another is always worth the patience of yours.
Keep it safe. Keep it sacred.
Always ❤️✨🦋
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
I'm careful with courage

I swear to my ceremony

Protect my mind

Whispers in my ear

Don't hurt me


To the dream

I ask:

After you Dismiss me
Freeze me

Bring me back to groundedness


Sit me back down on the chair with my

purse dangling

off its arch with red lipstick buried

in between my golden coins

I made a promise to my ancestors

To past achievers who didn’t survive:

The loss that came to me in baskets

Of highlighted


I navigated


The loneliness that took my life

twisted into breaths of deeply rooted truths  

Chew on this. Wake up!

Look to the mirror of your

distorted views

You’ll see


to surpass the flames of insecurity

and shame

Everything I’ve ever wanted

has come to an equilibrium

Nothing more to do

In my eye lives a perfect wish

An improved soul

That we both get to choose:

Take me to the greatest future of my existence.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
I need to hear your words echo off the tingling breath of my skin one more time

Like how a word spins to spell its word
Springing from arrows
Into the treasure of my deep well
The word

The word bonding
Is the way to
a Powerful

To hold grief hurts
But it echos sharing ground
That the hurt can just imagine
And where creativity comes to life
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
We recognize that people’s behavior and outcomes are influenced by the tiny spaces they inhabit.
Inside and out.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
What are the dynamics to success?  

What is a wounded healer?

We tend to bury our weaknesses and our struggles we wish weren’t a part of our lives... to land on a mountain’s peak

We all deal with health differently.

What does it take to push forward and stay resilient?

How do we deal with isolation effectively?

The power at work through our stories and our struggles is fundamental to wellbeing.

Find the great people on your journey.

Be the best at your craft.
One of a kind.
Take in The Personal and the Witnessed
LannaEvolved Apr 2021
In every season of life we must purge our Spirits of the weeds of the past and learn how to find the rawness in our live illusion.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
To Be A Sacrificer:

is to Be A Positive Disruptor:

On the Verge of Defeat

And rise still above it
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Oh Pomegranate
please slice me into parts
without your
blood dripping seeds
leave me to stay
dry on my skin
Give me the roles you’d never play

Your shape bends with gratitude
rolling toppling fluidity
staining my lips as
my teeth
smile lovingly
returning the call..

Holding the pinnacle
of your embrace

Your vulnerability
stays the same
you are the only thing
that can look at me
face to face
Subjugate your art and call it
A moral compass
tasting the fruit of its efforts

The stillness of your body
Overcomes the anxiety  
the kind of
one eye awakening
you find
when your head
leans back on the board
A sublime reminder of
My past with

The stem of your flowering core coterie was chosen
For rebirth
To re distinguish my soul
To enlighten my wholeness
with your awaited existence

It left me growing
On an open tree
Waiting to be picked

A powerful  
open light leading
to my highest self

A vision like yourself
Cut open and alive
Blood flowing
Block the mind

Where there was once division there is none
that could be present

I am strong
In the space delivered alive
The devouring of sweet certainties  
of what is seen in my new world

Created between me and thine:
The nature of the experience
Rising in relationship
The symbolism of anxiety, developing confidence and self-worth, emerging through challenges through accepting and willing to expand your growth, enhance coping skills, resilience, inner strength, self-care and acceptance for the truth
LannaEvolved May 2021
on top of this mountain  
ice translates the morning  
into textured hues

holding space
a tempered mood
the gaps within the crevices
await their next patient
cover the sleet of past years
after Innocent expansion founded

prepared and ready to hear time to use its wiser words
readying to speak out on behalf of itself

the clocks of experience taught its distance in a cold hiding place
calling out beyond the peaks of this mountain: the shadow of its
fearful chasm persisted:

“You must find another way” shouted the early tinges of this sun’s glare
like a vein’s intentional gaze
Purple and green light
you're somewhere out there this mountain felt it
for all the sunsets God has ever named  proclaimed it (in me)
heaven heeded the specific tone
the only thing needed: was to listen to it's causality
and so it acted upon the thought
like a silent note swirling around
franked for some time in the future
passing as bicycles
fading out
cross crossing the steep of this mountain’s hill

It got out of a maze that swiveled and turned at its intersection
no stick needed
shift and change positions
until it fits in
thoughts imagine colors
the picture stays in mind
I didn't act until I felt time holding my waist
the arteries opened up
wrapping me around in Chenille
moves its wand
whispers in this mountain’s ear

habits focus on the final flower
selected once
revisited in the dreams of the observed human looking down

persistence enwraps itself around the crevices
fills them graciously with consideration
the taste of specificity
In its human rapport
had been selected

This mountain’s end
does not replace the past
it’s fullness predicts the future
To be whole

(The most beautiful opportunity to live and to reign your love in)
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Who are we?

There is so much confusion
Even when one stares
into a field
Yet that much clarity

As what is seen above us
Performs a dance
And clouds move as holograms
That curate themselves
Colored icing emerges from mixed figures

They are the hope
In a faith that is not always visible
The breadth in my heart without words to brace
Or images to pray to
Kneels behind shadows of ineffable affliction
These feelings are not to be explored
But they must be observed
They must be heard in the midst of pain and horror for what we go through as human beings...

It emerges in my mind
And hits my body in bursts
As I dream past my days
And try to breathe… that is justified
When I interact with others
It doesn’t always hurt
But it causes the unknown to bring
With it an
Ease when I hear what they say
If they mean it
Less anxious.. That is.. and I believe them
I want to trust in people
I want to love, want to understand
But often don't know
The avenue that leads to
The desire to connect
Is but a passage in time
That only the images above can be content with
The color of cells
On a body of skin
Akin to a body of water
Melts over  
Me like a flaming candlestick in the dim

The flame uplifts with a strength stronger than the desire to know how.. or why.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Neuroscience shows what we secretly know to believe:
Uniting the mind and body like the strands of rope they are
rewards our biological system to stay protected.
Something a mere capsule of spiritual concept cannot guarantee.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
I was in a museum
Picture framed
Hunger and healing
Into the morning
Into the lives of the living
They were felt pain

In a language not of our making
Strange and incomprehensible
I thought I wanted you to kiss me
Amidst these days with flesh
Bones encompassed by your hurt
Words are not meant to harm
In steamed air
But they made the attempt

Your puppet tongues
Sampled the sounds of rainforests
To swiftly curl into view
Crystal objects

Feeling Unbreakable

I learned to savour the days like the nectar of a hummingbird
Patient as an unborn child
Eyes staring down
It is finally possible to breathe
All the matter in my lungs
Lifted by the weight of
A new chapter’s

The words
Vested through falsities
Labeled in cryptic currencies
Smoking and burning the wire

Every year he’d try the same manipulations
Like a deceit that
Used to come back in the form of a cancer
Kept in remission and finally erased

Transferred acts drenched in defeat
Rejection over again
Cannot harm me

I pinned my feelings down and captured them like an insect making its escape
Anywhere but here I said.

I can start again because I came to terms with my freedom. And it feels so good.

The human cost of personal suppression overcomes any fear of not creating your best life, that even the martyred butterfly will reappear to live again and again in the space of love and courage
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
My emotions scream
They make me siege to your command

Hollowing clutters of fallen ashes

When we both retire
from this hot air balloon dream
that we seemed to once aspire

Those isotopic memories lost me now

An illusion that falls as quickly as it seems
to the knees that never fully grasp
reality in its intention

That gives me the realness of who you are
No postponement.
This is down to maintenance man!

Love is too holy to be left alone
Walking backwards
Down the black alley of regret
And the misstep of dissatisfaction

I swear that is death to me.
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
That sinking feeling

Maintains itself with confidence maintained

If you only accept love with respect

You’ll absorb your value

Now feel it. Take it in.

As it exits your body

I am grateful; I am a powerful thinker

That feeling will pass when it clings too tightly

Unite that power with moral responsibility

In the vessel of your chest

Now breathe.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
A Masterpiece of God's creation
Becomes the paragon of human beauty
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Nothing meant is ever lost or let go of intentionally
LannaEvolved Apr 2021
Spin-ning your 3 fold dimensions
the rhythms
when they call

Shadowing out
in awkward motions  

Makes logic
hope in familiar

They both have a message.. don’t they?

Sublime is the present tense today

Feels liquified
Drained from my senses
Smoothed over in the
of a fortified
(That is real strength)

Frosting over layers of
“A cubic futurism”
dynamics only the wind and seeds
of the sea
can recognize

When they are felt and heard and seen
By you.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
True Intimacy starts with a soul connection.

We have to spend less time on the words and spend time inside the gap with the source of who we are whilst acting on the consistent feelings at all times.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
The human being is a madman lost in his/her adventure.
Blood in the veins
People with masks on:
Further dims the confinement
of this human cage
We’re all accustomed to..
Take a breath
An act of faith
Will 2021 change our lifetime with
the cross of illusion that 2020 gave us?

My ghost is a blade
Stone by stone
I pervade

Sitting in a loft of treason
Transmuting a spinning cycle of pain
I see through the translucency of all of it

These shaky frames with their eyes dangling
Raise your spirit to me
Fire beams perforate the lost

distill the wineries of seasons passed
over into the space
between death and the living

'I am the Empire at the end of the decadence’.
Written by LannaEvolved
and French poet Paul Verlaine
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
My ultimate payment is the valued greatness of what I’ve created my life to be after all my old choices.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Difficulties in your life do not come to destroy you or worse create a war within or between you and your life- they come to help you realize your hidden potential, your abilities, your capacity for great things; they come to meet you as prompts to connect you with yourself and begin to move deeply into the growth phase you are inherently and subconsciously needing.
When your heart and mind are calling out for you to find the support and the truth you need to free yourself from manipulative or toxic behaviors and people themselves, and they feel stuck and do not know what to do to get there or to move into that space to do so, it might often feel like nobody hears you calling, like your mind does not hear what your inner thoughts are saying to you or your heart is so insistently yearning for on the inside. The surface of this true and honest desire that you want for yourself is being projected as if you have it, but it inwardly and quietly feels desensitized or at times even indifferent on the inside and you must wake it up. Nobody talks to it, but it speaks to you, in whispers to get your attention, musing you but you ignore the signs each time it tries to nudge you in another direction for your best, it urges you to make a new choice, but you choose not to listen to the words and just keep going keeping on with your self-projected ideals as if everything is perfect. Crying combined with frustration and unfavorable self-esteem inside knowing this is not the case.  
Well, I would like to share with you this learned wisdom, and this comes from my own journey of transformational and personal change.
Change can only occur once you turn inward and look into your own mirror, your own light, and appreciate it without listening to the voices of others who attempt to persuade you of what and who they are.

Let no one puppeteer you, you control your world.
You reach out to it and speak to it because you want to. And trust, it will respond.
You’ll never have to ever worry about the Universe giving you an answer in return.
That is what it there for and it always will.
This is the voice.

You’ll then begin to allow yourself to listen
and hear it’s thoughts like you hear your own, you may even visualize it and speak back, but do so calmly and appreciatively in a kind and confident manner when you’re ready and this image, this voice will listen to you too.
It always does.

For all the artists, the creators, the lovers, the shifters that need healing for themselves and others or for anyone who simply needs to hear this- I’ve been there and I’m here for you now.

There is always hope even without knowing it.

Why? Because there is always faith in who you are and the knowing that all the love you put into the wrong will work itself out by transforming  into right ministering as it should
in the end.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Think of your palate as the chess board of your creative life.
Play out each step as fully as possible until every player in the show is mesmerized by the substance of your continuous results and initiatives towards unwavering courage and success.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
An artist does All for art’s sake.
That alone takes you to I am..
This is the message: of encouragement and practicality that all artists require to keep up with the many parts of self that create their craftsmanship and center them towards such revelation.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
I look at people as observations of being
Feeling connected to one without performing
Perfection is in the imperfect
Words jumble meanings

Words don’t cut the surface
of what I am:


This is beauty
This is power
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Learning about the celestial body allows for an understanding of the advanced emotional body.
We have an eternal life force that preserves our senses’ persistent accuracy.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Do you hear my soul calling?
Or is it that silent space just my heart whispering that we are still in sync yet so far away?

Beyond the limits of time does gratitude live on.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
When you get a glimpse of how much observed pain they have
It makes you want to stay away

Flee the scene

Wither into moonlight
Gaslight the words until they feel like …
A dial never received

Pretzel shell our bodies
Collapsed there

Heart to heart
But not for me

Curve em
When they get too wordy
These stories

wave crushin
on the ear
Like sound bites
Hardened on the inside
threatening to hear

The tone becomes
More and more unnecessary.

They do that thing with their mask on
Corks in the shame
Lasts the night away

Sick in a bed
On a sofa bench
Physical depletion
Hurts the pain
Covers up the fear when there’s nothing left
To say
and a megabit to share
Nobody to blame but them.

Strike out.

But the past and the pastor who told him to keep on prayin’
Stop the lyin’
Embrace the game

Even though it’s killin’ your brain

Like pop up blocks mergin’
From a black jack in the box

And One big sound wave

I’m like a virtuoso
on the break
But I knocked one down
With 20 years to go

I am an unresolved question
With Responses
Ready to flow
Waiting to go
But unprepared to show

Who I am and why I’ve become so unemotional

So burnt out and broken down
When all those blondies used to know
The real me.. now I’m a different Maverick
On the Hill
Father passing
Nothing really matters
He says: I’m cancelling Life out
“And Life has changed for me once again”

Those times
made my story ill
And now all I have is the fear of existence begging me to feel fulfilled
But I never will

Attempts to brush away the flashbacks
Of my life
Calling out for help
When glam was my only pill

They’ll move one step forward.
Unsteadily. Still trying to make it.
Running from the shame of their own shadow
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
I do not choose a game of mental chess
I'd prefer you show me
By trusting that we can hold the space


Undoing every punch
Lock my voice inside a dial tone of conflicting passions
It’s a curious thing when
You let these buried phantoms master you
They reappear and sweep you up
Into uncharted territories

As you sit and stare at their ghost of a memory
Dissecting the luminosity of your youth
Naive innocence
Still there
No faded imagery or idea is too far away to be
All is possible
in the mirror
of another world
Or so it seems…
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Part 1:

Mask on
Mask off

I have trespassed and tiptoed through dark roads and unquestionable choices  

I have moved to make the
journey holy
Mortality is identity concealed over time
And brought to life by us for We are.

Just like our masks tied on tight we must keep reviving one another like the heartbeat that pumps through the veins of Goliath.

Part 2:

We are here together in healing.
This Love is unity put back together in solid foundational form.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Go in the direction of your beautiful truth.
That is love in its truest form.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
The unknown lingers as I stare into an empty field.
City air feels uncertain with debris like particles performing a spontaneous dance. Moving as holograms that curate themselves.
Colored ideas emerge from mixed emotions. They are the hope in a faith not always visible...
It has been nearly half a year and silences still replace words.
Language; too ******* the body, but our eyes; still felt and our voices heard. Masked expressions; only to be seen in private behind shadows of ineffable affliction. I feel empowered.
I am grateful to live as my evolution in an ever changing dimension.
LannaEvolved May 2021
Gold: What a perilous color
If you knew me you would complete this sentence: The dance of my hands...

Take away the ornamentals
If you were a maze I’d keep
the funnel going
And leave you on the ground
You keep trying
How can I refuse this history
Your eyes on me
In the times
I didn’t even know
I was scared

Metaphor of the golden chair:
Grounding in the chair
Stability and steadiness

The chair
A stained engraver of wisdom
A distanced observer
never goes away
It levitates
without a floor
There can be no door

Sat in the corner with a cushion under
the past
Do we spin and spin until we’re settled?

A sand dune still smiles
in its discomfort
Overhearing the conversation

Let’s talk about our night on the rooftop
I’ll I had to do was open my arms
Stick out my eyes tussle my hair
handprint my aura on your tongue
And still you persist

The shape of the chair
Obtuse and contained
Its insides are safest when left to its own devices shield itself from any interrupters
Sun rays spanning
Guard the

Gift giving celebration
A secret wish
It turns on it sides
Still confident  
A Neon light
Fills my sanguine sensitivity

Can we see feelings that cannot be seen?
To felt feelings; the purest kind of seeing
This is 5D vision baby. I mean it.

Open the drawer this time
The chair will unlock your world
from the inside
Your mind
mind reads my insides
All over again  
Open it up
Unwrap the words with your lips
Now look up with your serene
You’re facing the other way
after you
read it

Makes me smile hard and true
like the lotuses laid calmly across
my *******

Let your glands embrace the message
I have been saving for you
genitalia secreting the flow

It’s more than that
There’s a layer left
To feel relaxed
Taken apart even in its sturdiness  
the invisible ledge
Where this chair sits
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
(I am)... my own I am

I am the Creator
I imagine what is not there, but what is felt
What is in my bones

I can feel that
That is deep work.

I shift into new spaces
I lead with my courage to be brave
When it is hard to be brave
these days
in America
But we have to continue on.

I choose to find the pieces of recognition
To sift through those parts
That make up my identity
Who am I?
Who is anyone?

To make them whole
Isn’t that the point to
our purpose?
Of our salvation? To. keep. going on...
Gliding slow and refilled in short and long truffled steps through alleyways..
Eventually towards a valley that may be
called our own.. whatever that means.

Being a co-creator I touch others
I become the mirror of their soul
Sharing a glimmer of mine
And that’s enough...

To feel..
to hear..
to know..

Not to understand more or to fear less
But to see the truth come forth from underneath this...

What is creativity, but a fleeting image
A passing thought
An air bubble of time and space that sounds great, but appears jagged
in its form and flow

No questions asked
No worries;
thoughts to dance

It is just and it is human
Formed for a mind and
The body of its source
It is I, the Creator  
And... I am proud of that.
For this is my creation.
LannaEvolved Jun 2021
Today is for creativity and the courage to act on the most natural creativity in order to achieve desired goals.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
To You,

I was the page
So no one could put me together

No one could read me
like nobody could read you

I felt like a duplicate script

My life on a dime
with spiral

If I could survive
I think I'd drink my shot at life
in a glass of moscato filled with ice and savor

We have limited moments here on earth
Can you give me a sign from heaven?

Would it be safe to say
that you'll be on my side
In the end?

Is heaven such a thing that truly exists? Because I see sanction and the fruits of life in its eyes.

Only God knows how this life lies in times of trialed errors, mischievous days, in my many moments of masked disguise.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
You can't compromise your valued principles and still keep your power.

Life is a learning process.

If you keep your eyes on your vision and focus the attention and reflect latereen years later on the lessons, you grow wiser each day and through every adversitI you overcome to achieve and manifest the best you could have only hoped for.
This is for you. You deserve that.

🦋 Lanna Butterfly 🦋
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
In the Moonlit Rain

Fear overtakes her courage caged

Forests sing Freedom


Wings wide open


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