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LannaEvolved Jan 2021
I appreciate that I can learn more about you each time we share and experience each other differently and it feels like new every time we talk and share in one another's spirit especially after this time.

A great blessing in disguise comes in the form of nonsense to show us the Realness and love we feel and were deeply missing.

The magic is this fullness that I feel now
No more mickey mouse ****, for the beauty of our lives is now.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Having a sixth sense is under the forcefield of subliminal dynamics.

I love it because
We have it.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
There is a commitment to an act of resilience
A sense of peace that every act will be as it stands
Like the ever evolving stage door
Closing behind the end of a line that has been said off hand by a player
In his complexity

They know
The end is nothing more
Then a beginning near

I don’t claim to pretend I know
The safety of that harbor
It will come to me
One day
I shall
Keep you close to home
Even when uncertainty
feels like its wrapping me up
In protection wear
Aviators block the feedback

Blankets of snowy days
And timeless months
Out of nowhere

As the bloom comes

Because all the men and women merely players: have their exits and their entrances
One man in his time plays many parts
As his acts become all ages
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
The One for you is all for you. They have been created for you. They will be Everything that you've ever wanted, that you have asked for to the point of exact detail, that you have been dreaming of for years up until now, will stand before you in this reality, when you least expect it. That is the magic of this power of manifestation and creation through God, which is all, for he is the Universe in its grandiosity just inching to create what you can have on any one day out of nowhere in one spontaneous moment in time in a day if you believe you can. The best for you will come forth to you when you least expect it. That is the beauty of it all. When you do not know it has been patiently standing in the shadows to meet you in real time. It takes risk and unawareness to find the truth of your desire, you love, your life. #There is no competition with the reality of their existence if you truly believe in the fact of the possibility that they do somewhere out there in this great big, grand world of time and space and clear sharpened particles in motion. #Nothing will ever be a coincidence for you from then on when you start believing in this greatness, the beautiful trueness of such power to unfold and exist in real time, in this projected reality, as is your life, before your eyes without ever knowing when.
With ❤ and gratefulness, for ya.
Sincerely in the Power of belief.
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Maintain your peace as if it were an unmasked blessing shaking you alive

Live in the protection of your
worth duly noted

Promote the promise of your vigour
The power of your vision

To provoke and shift your insides
Caged in unfamiliar plastic

Unravel the savage
Excel with the newness
Find the goodness in what you love  
Do not rest until it seamlessly
sends you
to your destiny

Greatness grows through the changes we make from within the stars we call ourselves

Change is upon you for the better and
for all
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Take time to know yourself
Find out about your life

Sit in the den and stay silent

You do not know
Who I am.

I am a Prophet he would say
And you’re mine

I'm all yours
But not whenever you want me
I'd reply

Taking dark selfies in a temple
Creepy rituals with the cult of the Tempili Orientis
Studying Bible names
His social script became mine
When I felt like I was losing my mind
a scripture
That repeats itself in mystic fables
Façades of King Solomon
persecuted by his existence

The script:

I take orders from pastors, aliens, angels, bible thumpers, avengers, excuses from sickness, while he spoke of the devil, talking for hours about ******* to thelema, bouts of depression
He was nowhere to be found.

Behind closed screen doors and
phone calls gone raw

The Elimination of Alive
Took over
Spoke of necrophilia
Casting spells by saying
‘that's hot’
“I miss you” but only ever saw me 1x3

To risk my need and call it yours
When you’re out $125, starving for a hit, no love or affection, beaten to a pulp, and emotionally marred
‘It’s hard to heal’

When his real fam goes by
A man named Sam
He would go with him everywhere
A false son
Playing the part

A spitting image of the dark
Left in a pool
of hypocrisy

This was nowhere.

Off the grid
Forever lost inside a universe
that fails so many.
Not everything can be saved.

He was born into modern day slavery
An absent mother and father
Trying so hard to make it
Money is all he wanted to make
And lost it with his words

Tunnel vision
The drug is the delusion
that craves and prayers
Can’t afford

And yet how peculiar that I looked at everybody like they have 3 eyes blind
Feeling like I wanted to leave my body sometimes...

The lost souls out there
That got suckled in

She must know he said.

His script continued:

I am already gone
I had love somewhere  
but impossible to keep
I'm so expired

You're a clown
I told her

But when I look in the mirror
All I see is the loneliness of a dead man buying and selling a dream that can only be found
In a man who is not me.

Begging for bread
The last drop of
pink moscato burns the roof of my mouth

Hot chocolate
Ice cold
And my emotions
Buried in mould
for over a decade
I’m Schizotypal
When I speak to her

I say I miss her but these suicidal thoughts
of death still tempt me
That's why I need Angels to protect me

Projecting who I believe I am
A rich one Flaming
A Rosicrucian Cross on my chest
Throbbing panting for salvation

“I am in the middle of nowhere losing everything that could have ever made me”.  

He was other people.
And that is it’s own Hell
Learning from other people’s pain gives us the perspective to learn about ourselves and nothing can ever make up for that. Not everyone you meet will be for you, but that’s alright because the experience is not a sacrifice. It’s a lesson and it’s part of your journey towards a higher evolution of greatness and the vision you have for yourself and your people.

Do not put yourself down or dwell in guilt or shame for what you’ve been through or the not so good choices that you’ve made when it comes to your relationships with other people. Your growth is more significant and you’re better for it.

Keep striving and live the essence of who you truly are. Never deny it to anyone who tells you what they want you to hear. Words can only mean so much, but they are not enough. Your insides know what makes you come alive. Your mental health and your sanity come before anyone or anything and let no one take advantage of that. There are so many people affected by mental illness that aren’t even aware they have something that makes them behave in distorted ways. You are not at fault for their harm done. You are not at fault for their pain nor are you responsible for their words or behavior. Whether they can help it or not. Mental illness is a difficult phenomenon to pin down. Some know what they are doing and are conscious of their behavior while there are others who are not and believe that what they do or say especially tactics like manipulation and suffering are normal acts that don’t affect people negatively. Staying away from that is not something you should ever feel ashamed of or uncomfortable with because you don’t want to hurt the person and because you are naturally a compassionate empathetic human being. Do what you have to do for your own health and respect for your own life.
You are only responsible for your empathy and your own wellbeing.

Protect that. And the right people will surround you fluidly in the circle of your own magnetic faith. Your being, your health in all ways, and your self-love is the highest form of psychology you can gain. Never forget it. You’re worth it!

You want to use your experiences as a source of power rather than a source of shame.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
I don’t want to feel it
I was all in
But now
I’m seein’ the clock

Out in the field
Twisting the paddle
Walk-on wood

Found the moonstone
Without the manual

I’m out there
Movin’ channels
Tastin’ matter

Crossin limits
With the SR-factor
Feeling my I am superfluous

I am human
You can’t see the symptom

Here I am

Made a masterpiece out of timing

Won’t chase a layman’s man
You can’t burden me with falsities
My aura brings me closer
To my conscious virtuosity

You’d never know
What you’re seein’

Because I got my consciousness stored
I deep dive
dip into it
rebuilt my life
All to risk and find out

I’m all about love + psychology= Life X Quantum Physics

That’s Infinity
And I made It


All These feelings have a symptom

Too much pressure on my free will

Never got the best of me

When I took a knife to the symptom

Now I Feel the best of this
Finding my ascension

You was in temptation
The first time you saw me

Shinin’ from my vision
than a chandelier
off the ceiling

And you’ll never know

Looking like the queen of Egypt in her kingdom
Living like the story I’ve been tellin’
Feelin all these symptoms

Turned my love into newness
Used to lovin’
in the back seat

Stall closed
bathroom tease

Now I love my soulmate in our sunroom
And we’ll be lovin’ in the next 2

I’m not who you knew
I overcame each form of darkness

You and You and You

From Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Queens, to rural York, PA, to the outskirts of Newark, to Italy, to Paraguay, to Tarzana, CA, and Chicago, Illinois

And I’m Better for it

Nothing holds division like a sordid mindset

But you see Equal balance is my credential

My best friend was there through it all
It was automatic
For us
You saw the magic in me
In Us
That’s the medicine we needed

So take me to the moon
Clouds reachin’
Enjoy this view

Sailing wise
Shadows of our pasts

Seein’ the only truth living

Hands up
Free will
Will make you new
You know when you knew

No more symptoms
To distill

We’re on high
A life journey
That nobody could ever divide

And we have it

We made it past those sandbags on the way.

Nothing man made can break me
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
As human beings we all get ****** into a poison filled one dimensional lake of endless pollution insecurity lame energy and self hate at one point or another.

An endless ocean in its many flowing forms of progressive harmony, drama free, and natural loving state of being with what you love and those whom are truly meant for you.

People will come and go, but these are the kind of people that you should be willing to give your time to and allow to enter your life and stay for the long run.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
The world is one crooked expression
always crooning into the cosmos of a lunar addiction
The world waits to unfurl your subjective reality

And I’m just a brave voice in a space
responding to it

A friend told me, once you pin a star, you’re eternally a spear

The next day I heard from God
that his light is just a substitute for gold

According to the world, nobody keeps their promises

So we define a few things:

liquid-  a quench for realisation
solid- self-knowledge
gas- a dense fog circulating around our selfish ideals ___

We are a jumble of our own crooked expressions

In Perfect

I could **** up your science
With an angle like that

As humility pays homage to the sun’s yoke

Living in a system that is anything but solar

The circle of survival has transformed into a flaming ball of cruelty
A mystery of clouds submerging in unreliable metamorphosis

O, I wish you were still there to
keep me in place
safe away

My thought is a solid wanderer
And the value of humankind:

Human complexity: over esteemed

(Most people would like others to think that they are more than they are)
(That they have a lot more going on than what meets the eye)

The majority; shallow beings

In the face of God
we must judge our own mirror

For he could never be endowed
with more idolatry
than is deserved
in simple praise alone

Be it cracked
or smooth
scraping with innocence
or far removed

Spiralling deep into the underworld

Some mermaid being shall pick it up
and bring it to her face
in a shell like shape

It remains
a constant
of who we are

A chosen ending
beneath all things  

and above all

on the brink
of tears.

I am.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Perfection is recognizing you in stained glass and still in translucence
Our universe grants every soul a twin- a reflection of themselves.
Even in different dimensions
They will
Find another
This is.. love
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
In some sense is our identity at stake?
Is friendship a relationship of knowledge, self knowledge, or has it to do with the imaginary, meaning in some sense who we are is imaginary, and we just construct ourselves through other people..? are we knowing the other, or producing ourselves in that relation through our continuous phases of knowing ? 'Most friendship is feigning, most loving mere folly.' Maybe friendship is an imaginative task that has to then meet reality in some way- as a child hallucinates first what they might be, we have to own who we are first, own ourselves, and then meet reality so we can land somewhere- so that it becomes real, in order to own it, so that we can take part in life.
    FRIENDSHIP – fragility of friendship
    Is any friendship real?
What is real friendship?
    Sincerity, genuine concern, legit interest

Friendship is
everything and fleeting at the same time
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
My love is deeper the more I give;
It is not surprising

Shakespeare sees love
only possible in a dream

True love is a durable fire

In the mind burning
In the soul mining

Passionately curing old hurts
Wiping haunts away

Recovering them with wisdom
An empowering prophetic energy

That can never be replaced
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
It takes a long time to truly get to know someone even if love at first encounter is felt.

Matters of the heart require patience and due diligence.  

The fact that genuine intention exists should be enough just as emotional and soulful intelligence.

Trust takes time to be earned.  
Loyalty is an admiral gift to offer but is to be reserved for the few that have been selected.

Walk through fire for those that walk for you and do it with careful choosing.
LannaEvolved Apr 2021
To become a stronger artist
Dig deeper into what motivates you
And begin from your living
Prospering takes from your life all of the imaginary moments and creates them into the future
The jewel has been appointed by
the pressure
Remember that.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
There is no reason as to why one is, that is the function of their chosen reality. To be who one is without knowing is being real. One is because one must be real. How real they are is another matter.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
I had to go through tough waters
under waves to land on happiness
To meet love back again
It takes time to find what is meant for you. Take that time and do not regret it.
The deepest is yet to come.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Learn to be at rest upon life’s shores
Follow your intuition when being fierce with it’s current.
Do not harm it, but correspond with it.
Then you shall find within it, a peace you never knew.
Throw the rocks you find back into burbling waters
The trees will overlook the act as your
friendships do
Let it be that you find a piece of hope
in your faith that carries you through..
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Be true to your journey.
Never deny how much you’ve become to reach where you are.
Your authenticity, your curiosity, your passionate power to find your truth
has gotten you back
to you.
Never forget that soul.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Another world
lives in the eyes of the anonymous soul

The scent of another planet
The people’s
small talk falls into laughter
Unconscious and unheard
close the book in short and sweet
choppy sentences on the corner
of pavement  
Amongst the pin drop that is
within reach of our isolated
Slipping into the times…  

Playing out equivocal ideals
from political rhetoric to the misunderstood musician’s point of view
Why can't we keep up?
When fashion prescribes the scene of artistic athletics and makes it known
That all “public figures” aren't going cold celebrity has a new meaning that we are just getting to know
Stories that continue to lose hope
In between the hurt
of sickness and home

I've seen the hopeless
I’ve seen the difference between where I’ve been and how far I’ve come

To live in these cities is like preserving your health in an incubated outdoor human pool

The conscious body gazes vicariously
through its every sculpt  
Landing on every stare
Meeting no one's eyes
Walking away in awakening

The living traipse past the
exhausted’s uncertainty

The trauma felt through
those same eyes
Cause the spring of hope to regain itself

Adapting to the times.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
It is kind of esoteric to look at yourself as the mirror of what was your past
what is and what will be.

Just like your transformation
You are in motion, organic form, occupying time and reconfiguring the shape of your molecules into something your intuition always knew was in you
to become.  

As I explore these waters, I am learning  how to balance humility with edge and strong mindedness.
I will send you my play to read later today.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Walked out of a door.      

Onto a tightrope

What does risk feel like?

Carving you out of cut outs
Identifying the body

Adrenaline lining my veins
Above board
See the planets fade
In and out
Of their eclipse

We must breathe for life
Living air
Has no replacement
For it cares too much
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
When we face emotions that ease
We shift into newness
We are consciously breaking off the patterns, healing our lives, and reaping the rewards of truly living
LannaEvolved Apr 2021
When you trust another you want to
share with them, your whole life, your thoughts.
It gives them the freedom to just be who they are too without limitations.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
The Universe is real. Knowing that helps make me anchoring me down.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Never allow the crisis to disrupt your sensibilities.
Your intuition is more sensible.

Our job is to make our lives compelling works of art.
To help purify my world in truth, companionship, and pure understanding
That is true. That is being in relationship.

Ask yourself:
What is needed from me before I set out to create the best journey of my life?

As we all meet uncertainty with the whole of every atom that is ourselves, learn to
be certain of your commitment to your assumptions in life.
Leave doubt and indecision.
That’s for the Universe to handle.  

It is within the faith we share.
That which cannot be all.

Divine power and godliness is radiant through him.
Knowledge is wisdom and we are using it to create the highest forms of greatness within ourselves and one another.
We must choose wisely and carefully who we meet and spend our time. Our lives our precious and we can’t relive them, we can only play the moments back. So be sure to make beautiful ones and learn from the old. Keep creating new and better. With the right mind, you will!
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Connecting to my Vision

Learning to Trust with my whole heart

Loving the realization that it has

always been


To do this.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Choice, Chance, Change.
You must make the Choice, to take a Chance, if you want something in your life to Change to make you.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Contributing to a conversation about what I call: balancing the emotion with a perceived reality, which can also be claimed as an illlusion. #Traumahealing #lovingwhoyouare #mentalhealth #buildingrelationship #managingperceptions #consensualrealities
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
In love all the contradictions of existence merge themselves and are not lost.
Only in love are unity and duality not at variance. Love must be one and two at the same time. Only love is motion and rest in one. Our heart ever changes its place till it finds love, and then it has its rest…

******* and liberation are not antagonistic in love for love is most free and at the same time solidly bound.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Part of work as actors and as artists is a calling to be: Beings of empathy with a strong fascination with the deepest parts of human experience.

You can always tap into the unconscious and that is both yin and yang. You can't hope to be in touch, your mind's subconscious will naturally make it a part of your living. Negativity is just a result of lack and lower awareness and that is also low power or no power.
You can avoid conflict I believe, but not people's emotional reactions towards you, which may indeed exude less than positive energy.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Be valued. Not simply liked or else you will never know self-respect which attracts only a love that is pure.
What is real can only be what we feel.
It will find you. Trustyourself.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Be a man or woman of value through a love to create. That will never leave you. 🦋
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Duplicity is meaningless when moral fibre has no cause to control nor understand it
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Follow your efforts instead of wishing for a dream.
Create a vision for yourself instead of
seeing it as just a dream.

Visualizing is more than hoping for a dream.
It is about taking yourself through the process of cultivating your passion for the  dream you will start to create through the opportunities you already trace each day.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
We are what survives us.

From the brokenness came an artful way of living
The courageous element of my authentic truth
What is meant for me found me
Out of the disruption and uncertainty

Wonderful works of art came into my life online and on the outside

It is some higher form of amazing
and beautiful at the same time

New discoveries found
Found me during this spiritual global crisis
It was the time of heaven

When God added his voice to a democracy
To a feeling I could dive into and live forever in with you
I’m in gratitude of both your presence and your being

We lift one another up into the light
As Radical resilience
Lives on throughout our bodies
And our minds more than ever before
Because it
Trusts this love
It has faith in this love

We recognized each other when God placed us into the palm of an
Eternal pursuit
The one we’ve always hoped for
The kind where we can both place our faith in and feel certain of its purpose
The reality of a soul connection uninhibited untainted
Living with no answers is the foundation of
Soulmate spirituality
A rarity that escapes those without faith
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Thoughts become things and those things become true only when you can imagine your own heaven and exist in it.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Poetry is its own rhythm of
Wisdom in motion

Rhythm in language
Pain performing in its own right
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
What is Vision but the depth of a Dream in night's eye landing in broad daylight:

The inner holy that has not yet come forth.

Another layer of the mask that must come off; until it’s found.

-Book of Mormon Holy Scriptures and LannaEvolved
Patience and persistence enable us to connect to our vision and our dream when things feel difficult or do not seem to be moving in the direction of our goals and where we want to be. Taking a time sensitive perspective and Focusing on the end result on the wish already done is guaranteed success of meeting your dream and bringing it forth. Continue to persist and see it in your mind each day. Once you see it you can’t resist putting action on it. And it has no choice but to happen.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Give up the ghost
I keep going to outside places
Trying to find
The words
I need
to pray

Cause I need something
To find me
Your ghost never meant to stay
When someone says I miss you they feel they have to; when in fact they really don’t miss you as a soul of your soul.
It is the idea of you and your presence they miss. Remember that when the suckers try to come back.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
I can feel where you are.

But how can it be that you ask me to feel things you never show?

Act the way you are meant to
Not the way you are expected to.
That Is
Learning: Mind Body and Soul.

The phase is complete.
As the knife
Shatters the flow
my fears
My compassion outgrows the butterfly out of its cocoon
AND I am saved

Through my forgiveness I am praised
By the message that our hearts bring to meet the brave rawness
That is
The Justice that I made
with what we have become
to one another.
And no one else can ever explain it to you.
From that I have learned…

We are Freedom Seekers
We are Liberators
We are Passion Feelers

We are Truth Finders
At the end of the day
We Are all Unknown Healers

I am a Shifter  
In a precocious bodice

An open follicle for life…
For life..
If I didn't have my art (my creative human  imagination) especially when I felt trapped underneath the pain, I felt like I would have sunk without the healing.

I am grateful for existence because it is always within reach. Always. And it makes all these hard feelings subside and intensify but in the right ways does It grow the spirit to another level.

Our Mental Health is so important on so many levels as actors and as artists. Our sanity and our ability to feel fully, but also to feel intensely, and create something from the simplest form, to go all the way, and be unafraid to express it, to take criticism and feedback openly, and also to be alive with awareness is the underlying of gratitude for what we have and what we are given as the one who “performs”, who shares an inside story with an outside world, who takes notice of the ones who are suffering and does something about it, to create impact through our bodies, through words, through the Self. That is Soul Giving. And our greatest gift.

To breathe and to express outwardly an inward struggle that bubbles up daily is not a cowardly act or just for a person who is meant to struggle, because that doesn’t exist. This is for everyone, every artist, every souls who is meant to thrive and excel living their purpose. This gift is to give of ourselves for ourselves and own it, so that we may share it through our love for others.
Then we can get a glimpse inside the crack of light we continue to hand the world over.
LannaEvolved Jul 2021
The perfection of triumph
to form a stellar nebula of what is
the next chapter arrives to collect

And bring it to a close
just to leave behind a smoldering corpse

the core expands as it does cool
after burning its hydrogen fuel
ejecting the he said she said tool

outer layers
sloughing away
words covered in dew
brining a star's false twilight
as the flora swings back the curtain
drop into this deep well

of conscious fare
a direct deposit
a victor's enlightenment
standing from inside the vale;
a weakened canvas
without a promised word to spare
just a dithering of parting
from a sky lit window; all too stagnant

Where is there to hold cover?
What is left to hide behind?

The messages
of everyday depths
of everyday depths
a sunken ship
below the surface

Just a tousling back and forth
out through the mouth
puerile to the brain
the questions taste
Just a chirrup of a phrase
gone awry

Into hollow shaded parts of hue
the lambency of a first call
muting itself
and wishing it to be other

A bandwidth of loss
For the reward of two

In the interest of truth
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
A broken record
spinning replays

Captions of the
past 6 years
in silence
leaves no stains

It clears the mind
when it flashes
without your permission

To an old face or time
When things were not as they seemed


The grooming lasted
for months
He called it courting
then disappeared
He must have known I liked the words
When time felt blank
He didn’t seem to care

I would leave to boost
the ego
Find what I thought I’d been looking for
But that was the wrong door

I heard my own words
They stuck with me
When I pushed through
the piano to land on the keys

I am my own conviction
I was secretly
for what is the now
It is many doors

When you need self-esteem that much
It’s like a drug you can’t misuse anymore
You need it even more
After there aren’t enough leftovers
After the last drop of water in the canteen
But know that time can’t last forever

It took about a year
I did an interview
at the radio station

She made sure I was safe
She said there is so
much out there

“Find someone who is like you
from your background
who aligns with the level of your life
You deserve to be happy”

And I never forgot that day
The guides were there

And the broken record made its last replay appearance
I rewrote the lyrics

To this day
Refining the script
Pruning the shears of revision

What a beautiful life
Is a grateful play

on words
on beliefs
on your intuitive feelings
That could never take you away
from your destiny

You can turn it around
Any time you wish
Keep revising

You deserve the best
Because you are that
For yourself

Remember that

Imagine and Believe
Life is a fluid chain of situations and progressive mental improvements that can change at any time. Your ability to adapt to new thoughts and powerful awareness of what is happening to you and how it’s affecting your life can significantly take it to new heights and raise the bar levels and levels ahead of where it might be now.
Take that next step bring it to the next level.
It is never too late. Change your life because it is best for your growth and your own evolution.
You can have that new life. Believe something better for yourself, and empower yourself to shift into new; a kinder more loving relationship with who you wish to be for yourself.
And you’ll find that in the world. Try it.
It is only an imaginative thought away.
I love you.
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Blurry figures
Settle into the puddles
of fools

Every word has a beat
And every rhythm has a purpose

I used to fall into the depths of
Pretending to be real

Real is a hallucination
But still irrefutable
LannaEvolved Apr 2021
Healing from what was once a truth harmed
None but you have found your way
and a reconciled soul

Came to pass
in the ominous night
of dimly lit days

On the day
I set myself free
from the constant dispiriting show of puppetry
That is called madness

chose to create

Resiliency. Renewed.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Allow your true Essence to bloom through the flourishing of your great self.
LannaEvolved Jan 2021
Death is the afterlife.
And unless your gone from this physical world; nothing except being connected to life matters.
LannaEvolved Feb 2021
Without internal power, the only thing left on your slate is blank justice.
Give yourself the best of life and manifest what your beautiful soul can have. You’re worth that.
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
Staring into the abyss is staring into yourself.
Your craft is your presence, your temperament is your greatness bringing to you all of what you know, your perception of all of your truth coming from within you and reflecting as your mirror towards others. #bebeyonddoubt #beyourfullself #bethelove you find in the depths of that abyss that may look like demise at times.
I have and still I rise. #Riseforyou#Risingforyourvisio
#Riseforyourancestors so that they can recognize how you have become through them the spirit of entrepreneurial life.
#Iam truly blessed to be me.
#Beyou #Befree
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Let me find you in the galaxies

At another time
Among these aesthetic images

I’m loving you

While I breathe


Feel like a sacred mystery
Behind my life
I imagined
And it came
into form
LannaEvolved Mar 2021
As you have allowed me to see:

"Don't be overwhelmed by it all, be catapulted, capitulated!
By the greatness that it brings, that it gives and that you give to it.
Be pulled by it, not through it.
A lesson for us all, artist or any one else.

Keep traveling the journey of life as your truth revealing itself to itself through your own growth and learning.

With love
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