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Jun 2020 · 293
Himani Jun 2020
She said -Let me go,
He simply said No.
She said-I do not belong with you,
He said- This is not true.
She said-Do you love me?
He said-You are the one with whom I want to be.
She said-Will you miss me?
He said- How can I not?You are my other half you see.
She said-I am sorry! Thank you for the happy memories.
He said-I wish this moment could freeze..
She faded from this world but never from his heart.
No matter how far they are,
They will never part..
Hope this poem touches your heart as it is true..
Jun 2020 · 180
A Fatal Shot
Himani Jun 2020
My mind shouted out loud,
Agonies shot out,
He shot,
The one who had taken my breath away,
Who had promised me the glorious day,
Who had conjured scintillating dreams,
Who had promised never to leave,
Never giving me a chance to bereave.
I was a fool to believe.
Was it just a web of lies?
A den of vice?
A gorge of sinful combat?
No..It was worse than that.
It was a snare.
He was never really there.
Of all my foes he was the one who shot.
And I was the one who fell..
For all those who have been cheated by the ones close to their hearts..
Jun 2020 · 199
No more alive
Himani Jun 2020
The world said be brave,
While stresses,tensions,depressions whispered in her ears-You are a naive!!
It was not her steps that faltered,
It was the very world that swirled.
Malicious hands gripped her tight,
She could hear her heart shatter,
When her own told her she was a Blight.
She tried desperately hard to get up,
Everyone and everything had left her,
Yes even her Luck.
The hilt of the knife felt so warm,
The cords and ropes were calling out her name,
The fire in the grate drew her closer and closer and closer,
At last she was gone.
No breath.
No pain. No hope. No despair.
She had vanished into thin air..
Depression and suicide go hand in hand..It is hard to believe but in 60% of the cases the depressed souls resort to taking their own lives and no help can save them..
Jun 2020 · 511
Don't you dare
Himani Jun 2020
Don't try to pin me to the ground,
I will soar to the sky even before you have time to look around.

Don't try to throw light on my flaws,
I'll wear them with my head held high rather than yielding to your laws.

Don't try to meddle with my thoughts and make my emotions stir,
You'll be lapsed into a blur.

Don't try to wear your mask of pretence,
In this pandemonium,I am the essence.

Don't try to bridge the chasm,
My potent art will contort you with spasms.

Don't try to wear that smile on your face,
My attitude is hard to trace.

Don't try to atone for your sin,
In this battle of heart and mind you can never win..
Never allow your self to be underestimated or misjudged by any one..Be you and live free.
Jun 2020 · 425
Trapped and Freed
Himani Jun 2020
As the rain drops fell on my face,
I felt my inhibitions slipping away.
The world was finding new paths to trace,
While I was regretting and cursing the day.

The drops soon turned to a rivulet,
My mind was trapped in a mesh,
The rivulet flowed seamlessly without any regret,
I was losing this game of  chess.

As I looked around I found I was standing on a pool,
I deftly played my master stroke,
I had finally proved that I was no longer an infatuated fool.
The final clash and all the shackles effortlessly broke..
Jun 2020 · 138
Set me free...
Himani Jun 2020
Our life is like a sea,
Sometimes calm and otherwise turbulent.
With sailed boats people enter,
Carrying souls quite free and full of glee.
They affect you in their own way,
Some want you to move the way they sway.
There are some who forever with you stay,
While others come and then with the flick of a wand simply go away.
These are the ones who rage crashing waves in our sea,
A part of our heart is left with them and they never set it free!!
Do you feel the same too as if someone never leaves you and is always there in your heart no matter how hard u try to erase his/her memories?? Do let me know..
Jun 2020 · 143
A ravishing touch
Himani Jun 2020
She can make the world surrender and lay at her feet,
By a mere charisma of her deep eyes
And the sanctimonious curve of her glossy lips.
The moon too concealed behind the clouds,
When she strutted along radiating her ravishing beauty wherever she set foot.
No matter how hard you try
You won't be able to prise open the darkest secrets enthroned in her heart,
Threatening to spill out any moment
Obliterating you,
Leaving you groping your way back to reality..
Jun 2020 · 111
Himani Jun 2020
Lying on our backs and watching the clouds float by,
Morning turns into night
but our eyes refuse to shut tight,
Cascading moonlight dances on our faces,
Wherever we go we seamlessly leave behind fine traces.
Star gazing becomes one of our favorite pastimes,
Engulfing us in its serenity and breathing fresh impetus to our lives.
Catching dancing and frolicking fireflies,
Turns life so much better when you are by my side...
Jun 2020 · 129
Himani Jun 2020
Words are a collection of those reverberating undaunted echoes that escape your soul as the ink spills..
Poetry is your darkness fading away and gradually emerging as a radiant blend of phrases and words,creating an iridescent and intricate mess of hues..
Jun 2020 · 101
Himani Jun 2020
Who says beauty fades with time?
The maturer you become,the more you blossom!!
Jun 2020 · 303
Tribute to a poet
Himani Jun 2020
It is a euphoric moment and to her surprise her mind goes blank,
The images in her mind and the floating words the fountain of her imagination greedily drank.
The poetic profusion bubbling within her was satiated as she grasped her pen,
The treasure trove concealed in her heart was at the threshold to appeal to the men..

Taking one step further from the actual and nearer to the imaginative feature,
Her intellectual forge bestirring her to seek the invigorating charm of Nature.
She can capture the glimpses of the past and ponder over the predictions of the future,
Philosophies of life or a utopian world she can easily nurture..

Such is the power of her wistful words,
Which can openly challenge the sheathed swords.
She can sway the world with her imaginative story,
And register her name in the pages of wondrous glory!!
This poem is very close to my heart and it is meant for all the wonderful poets of the world..

— The End —