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 Aug 2023 HOPE
 Aug 2023 HOPE
I’m on the edge
It glistens
Beckoning me
To join

I see
The darkness
With its shimmer
Telling me it’s ok

The blade
Is sharp
Full of promises
Of peace

I’m wise
To the beckoning
As sleep rushes
Over the pain.
 Aug 2023 HOPE
Be Me
 Aug 2023 HOPE
You're my favorite kind of thief,
stealing my heart,
but letting me be.
 Aug 2023 HOPE
Carmen Jane
You're not lost, just because you didn't comb today
I see you here, yet your thoughts are drifting away ...
You rake the leaves, with your bare hands,
You try to see, where your future stands.

You're not lost,  just because you need a break,
I see you smile, while trying to hide your heartache
You collect the dirt, under your fingernails,
As you walk barefoot and cover your trails.

I still see you, underneath the falling leaves,
I hear your voice say "thank you"  and "please"
I see your true smile, glowing in your eyes,
You're the only reason, my soul survives.
 Aug 2023 HOPE
Josephine Wild
be right here
in the mountains,
running on dirt trails,
lying in the green grass,
feeling the gentle cool breeze,
admiring the rainbow of wild flowers
and the little birds fluttering up in the trees.
Where I want to be
 Aug 2023 HOPE
David P Carroll
I will give you all my love
And I'll give you my heart to and
I'll be so true just for you so take my
Hands and let me grow
Old with you.
Passionate Love 💖💖💖
 Aug 2023 HOPE
David P Carroll
She's the joy in my heart and
The happiness in my life and
She's the girl of my dreams
And she's the air that I breath and
She's the purpose for thriving
And she's the most caring person to
And she's so generous and gentle and
She's so beautiful and bright
And she's forever
The love of my life.
My Heart And Life 💞🧬
In one moment in time
when things come together.
You’re conceived.
For everyone there is a time
a purpose
to come to life.
A time to be born.

Shell ✨🐚
The thought of Ecclesiastes 3. 1,2
 Aug 2023 HOPE
Salmabanu Hatim
We were childhood friends,
The only difference in us was
He had girlfriends,
I had brains.
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