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467 · Nov 2020
Moon's Love Letter
Tanaya Nov 2020
Detached from you O' my beautiful Earth
My life is barren, has lost its mirth
You are blue and green and full of Hope
While I am grey and dark; have lost my scope

Earth o dear, you have chaos and peace
My life is cold; a perennial cease
Hell and Heaven; evil and pure
You have a cause; You have the cure
You have footsteps that leave a mark
While once in 'my blue moon' your Armstrongs embark

And as they leave, taking a piece of me
Men- all they care about is a bit of debris?
Planting their flagpole, darting a hole in my heart
Obstinate and selfish, they take pride in their art

I wonder O' Earth, if they incapacitate you too?
You offer your abundance, yet they still hurt you?
I thought I was lonely amidst the thousand twinkling stars
But my loneliness is bliss, better than your scars.
Look at you- You seem lost;
Your faith in men has been tossed.

Let me embrace you Earth, I give you my soul
Incomplete without each other- our Eclipse makes us whole!
And when in sunlit sky, you see me no more
I will wait for you my Earth, in dreams galore.

As darkness falls and you gain my sight,
Radiance of my fire breaks the delicate barriers of night
14 billion years, we have had each other-
Born from the Big Bang, our Cosmic mother

If a day shall come when we meet our end
Our eternal love shall eventually blend
Fear not O' Earth, as your youth extinguish
Watch every life on you relinquish-
Torn and Tossed into interstellar space
No days or months, but at our own pace
Where Time stands still, neither forward nor reverse-
As golden glitters of fiery dust, we shall explore our Universe.

211 · Mar 2020
Tanaya Mar 2020
On the East of Palatine Hill, on a hot Roman summer;
A congregation gathered at the Colosseum to the sound of Trumpets and Drummers!
A few hundred others jostled for permits at the Arch of Constantine, while a sea of delirious and exuberant souls, packed like sardines in a can; waited to catch a glimpse of their Emperor- Titus Vespasian.

To the Emperor's decree, the gates were raised, the hungry gnashing lions let loose,
who pounced upon these captive men-
Tearing apart their flesh and spilling their blood on the aranaceous ground.
These were men of No Use.

It was my First at the Arena, Aurelia was my name; joining with my brothers and our father in the travesty of 'Games' of mortal combat and venationes,
Chariot races and Executions of Condemned criminals or men defamed.
At one such time, I glanced at you-
Trotting on your dark stallion; a soldier past, you must have led a few batallions.
Now, a gallant Murmillo,  ready to strike with your glistening sword and armour on one arm,
a man so brave, you swept the crowd with your  beguiling charm.
Yet at this hour, as death draws near
as you wave amidst loud cheers,
Could your stout fingers have quivered?
Could your bold senses have gone numb,
Could You Too have feared?!

You gave a valiant fight till the last drop of your sweat, Seeking God's Mercy, or Eternity or Eternal Rest?
What must have gone through your noble mind, The Thoughts Unspoken...
Images of your unborn child or ;
Memories of your young wife?
To hold them one last time, you could give your thousand lives!
As you march to the Anthems, fit for kings,
What voices now with courage ring?
Bleeding for Glory or for Freedom Must?
O' Gallant one, you lay down in the dust!

A Thousand Years have passed since then
I visited the Colosseum with my family again!
The clouds above Rome gathered, and
Drizzled on my eyes...
And thoughts of 'being here Before', momentarily agonize.
Far across the blooming ground, amid the dilapidated walls and ruins- a shadow looms...
Lost Souls from the Past, meet once again and
Spirits reawaken from their tombs.
Could I ever have forgotten him, it was love at first sight? And...
Here we meet again after a 1000 lifetimes,
on this very ground, where my Knight met his plight.
Was it the autumn rain, or a drop of my tear?
Flabbergasted I stood there!
Was he a figment of my imagination or was he real?
The shadow smiled as a breeze came blowing and whispered in my ears...
" Aurelia, do not stand at my grave and cry
I have lived in you forever, I never died".

Tanaya Roy Choudhuri
31st March 2020
147 · Apr 2020
The Train Journey
Tanaya Apr 2020
The journey is supposedly better than the destination-
A lifelong pursuit to complete our mission.

The Engineer of my life who embarked me on this train; A ride slumberous and galloping at times, took me through the meandering dark tunnels, yellow sunflower fields, the storms and pelting rains...

I embrace this train journey- the distant blurred views, the exhilarating rhythm, the wavering pace;
and as it takes a menacing speed,
the unsettled wind whipping on my face.
I look back at the platforms gone by; desolate and abandoned...
Once waited upon, now alone they stand!

Life's indeed a train ride, a joyride of emotions, where wanderers leave and join, at many stations;
By the end of my expedition, few seats lie empty;
Tracks of yesterday, still cognizant;
my heart besieged by memories plenty!

Wishing a joyous journey to the passengers who remain,
until another day- at another place and another time, we meet again;
I hear the train whistle, finally arrives my location.
Time to bid all adieu, I have now reached my perennial destination!

Tanaya Roy Choudhuri
13 th April 2020
146 · Jun 2020
That Old Mansion
Tanaya Jun 2020
Colossal and Colonial stands that bloated aristocratic Mansion...
An abandoned and gloomy Red-brick Victorian, once substantial.
Composed it stood, even in solitary ruins;
A wretched reminder of Savage Time's Doing.
The crumbling, bleeding walls, standing like a ghostly silhouette;
Of previous existence and lost glory,
Now desolate, despondent and in debt.

The long abiding hallways that once reverberated with laughter,
Now laments of Purgatory, of looming disaster.
A Hundred years gone, since footsteps echoed within those halls, and yet...
still not quite empty;
Generations of the oldest residents have laced its walls with cobwebs-
Enticingly delicate, a pale silvery dusty.

Clinging to the shivering wall is an antique Oak Clock;
Once a witness to glorious days, every hour now stands to mock.
The stained glass high windows, stares like the eyes of a melancholy soul;
Like a beautiful, forgotten concubine, Time has taken its toll.

That Old House now just weeps in silence,
Discouraged with age and lonely battle in defiance;
Triggered by acquainted smells and memories galore,
Alas, It holds all that dear, that exists no more!

Tanaya Roy Choudhuri
26 th June 2020
138 · Oct 2020
Who Am I?
Tanaya Oct 2020
'I' am the Universe's Eye, the metaphysical self, the Bliss Divine.
Transcending the realm of the ordinary and familiar-
I am not just the Mind, nor just the Matter;
But everything yonder, as well as in between;
Spaceless and Timeless, 'I' am the Light within.

Neither am I born, nor shall I expire
Not from Adam and Eve did I transpire.
Neither words nor intellect could ever describe;
I am not the one from God's forsaken tribe!

In the cacophony of life, which is another delusion
My ****** existence is mere illusion.
Where is my life source and where does it end?
A Supreme Consciousness manifestation, I do comprehend.

I am the Gita, the Bible and Koran,
The twilight sky, The early Dawn.
I am the God Particle, the vibration of an atom;
I am the Lightning in the Thunderstorm;
I am the supernovae and the penetrating Black Hole;
I am  Infinite- an extension of The Whole.

Wordly attachments bind us to the cycle of rebirth;
The soul is hence born on this earth.
In stillness and silence, find the real 'I'
Extinguish the manacles of the menacing 'My'.
Solve the eternal question- Who am I;
and there shall the foundation of our Enlightenment lie!

This is a daring attempt to understand the concept of the soul's origin and manifestation of all living and non living entities that come from one source- The Light, which is The Supreme Consciousness that we all call God. With the ultimate salvation of the soul shall we again merge into the Whole ( The Universe). My take on the Hindu Holy  Book- The Gita
Tanaya Jun 2020
It's not easy Papa to choose the words to say...
You have been the world to me and I miss you everyday
Memories of yesterday,  all our shared joys and smiles
If only I could have you Papa for just a little while
But all  I hear is silence today, as I call out your name
Your room is empty, with just a table and your photo in a frame

My heart still aches for you Papa, my heart feels numb with pain
If only I could hold you one more time,
All my prayers went in vain

Your princess feels lost today, when you no longer hold her hand...
Till the very last day, my very last hope
held on to you, like drifting sand

The last two years were painful Papa
I pray, you now find eternal peace
I joke with God and tell Him so
That Dad's with you on lease!
Till such time, know that Papa, forever in my heart shall you remain
And a day shall come when I breathe my last...
We shall meet again!

Love you Dad
Forever your best friend & daughter- Tanaya
Tanaya Apr 2020
Fly me high above the cloud
Far far away from the madding crowd.
Let me not fall back on Earth,
Let this day be my Re-birth!
Let me not look back;
Plead, take me away from the hostile flak!
From spurious appreciations;
Empty promises and mortal creations.

Let them not ensnare, with chilling calls,
Or the ****** love letters- The Devil scrawls.
Neither dressed in red cape and pointed horns nor;
Does he wear a crown of thorns.
But from the deep dark dungeon he arises and crawls,
Singing Sweet lullabys, before he mauls!

Hear all, but trust few...
not everything's real, nor everyone's true.
Clasp your dreams before they die,
For then life's a broken winged bird that cannot fly!

Tanaya Roy Choudhuri
10th April 2020
Tanaya Mar 2020
The world today, is nothing short of a Hell
Men across the Earth, bound in their shell
Engulfed by the Pandemic, that's brandishing it's deadly wave
Pulverizing all, that falls on its way
Paving paths for Mass Graves.

Temples, Churches, Mosques and Synagogues lie deserted
Prayer Halls and Gods abandoned,
Men isolated...
This journey, a pondorous one at times
Is compelling us to Reflect, Change our Paradigm
Yes! Long and Slow, but necessarily so,
To contemplate and retribute for our sins past
May we be forgiven, for our Acts Aghast!

And, in the meanwhile, you can hear the birds again...
Behold and Romance the verdure lands,
The clear blue skies and all that nature contains.

Simple things in life, you took for granted
The air you breathe, family you love,
Watching the sun rise and set,
Are sure to make you enchanted!

They say- " This too shall Pass"
Hold your strength high, your resolve to fight, to Last!
Appreciate Life and all that you have,
Let your prayers for all and Charity salve.

Once the nightmare is over, make your choice...
To be a Prodigal Son?
Or a Man of humility and poise
Cause you shall reap- what you sow
Today you may have a 'Tomorrow'
But tomorrow may not be so!!!
I am new to poetry and this is my first published poem. Your comments will be greatly appreciated!

— The End —