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 May 2019 Sipaas
loose change and my
real name
we can say whatever
cause it's all the same
and yet all i wanna say is that i love you
 May 2019 Sipaas
Both can ****
        The only difference is
                      Cigarettes shatter lungs
         She shatters everything

            I remembered the first moment
my lips pressed the filter
     as I lit it up breathed it all
                savored every smoke
       as if we covered up painful lies
        in a container of painkillers

The same way  
we used to pressed our lips
     sparked something between us
           savored every moment we had
    as if our love was a rose
               in a valley of tulips
Loud mouths and talks
Give me a headache
The mind in a lock
In an open room, blocked

In my seat I squirm
Wish I could wiggle out like a worm
Heart beats go boom
Wish I could teleport out of the room

No app on the phone
Which says
Skip escape delete
Walk out straight
Neither an option
Now it’s too late

Worse still,
The tormentor doesn’t know, of being one
The crazy mind blinks and thinks
Search database, use unwanted words
just like this extra verse

To be cruel is not an option
In my head there’s always enough room
To be physically present and mentally lost
To be at peace and find solace
Never A Loss
 May 2019 Sipaas
 May 2019 Sipaas
One of these nights will be the last,
When I cry to sleep because of you.
One of these mornings will be the first,
When I wake up happy in a life without you.
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