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Wherever YOU are - Remember
Whatever YOU do - Remember
My prayers will guide your spirits
My blessings will sail YOU through

Whenever you feel sad
I will take away your sadness
Whenever you will cry
My LOVE words will stop your tears flow
Whatever, whichever path you take
My LOVE will shower flowers on your path

If you long for me anytime
I will adorn myself with your longing
Even if I am not physically with YOU
Remember, I carry your SOUL within me
To live within YOUR every cells
I will sail you through every breathe of LIFE

Just look inward - within YOUR SOUL
And you will find me smiling in your heart
LOVING YOU like no one else LOVES YOU

If world separates me from YOU
Never feel sad and mourn on me
Do not let tears moisten your eyes
Always remember

The sad eyes of my SOUL LOVE longing
Is present in your sadness & your pain
Feel the sacrifices and unbearable pain
I undergo every moment for YOUR LOVE
My LOVE has given you infinite LOVE
In all & every moment
In all and every births -
Past, present and future

Wherever YOU are - Remember
Whatever YOU do - Remember
My prayers will guide your spirits
My blessings will sail YOU through

Take a peek inside his poems
if you really want to know him.
He hides himself deep, immersed
a tiny piece in every verse.

Take a peek and take your time
savour the moment of every line.
Relish the thought of what lies there
and appreciate his soul laid bare.

© Pagan Paul (31/08/16)
I am a warrior.
Stronger than her demons.
Braver than the darkness.
The poet lives two lives.
One on the outside,
And one in their mind.

When you look in their eyes
You could see an abyss.

If you looked long enough
You could sink into it.

But most people don’t see it.

Take the time to read the words, though,
And you would know for sure.

The poet lives in two different worlds.
A little escape from the madness.
Or maybe, into.
Explosive rage,
Uncontrollable anger.

Directed at you,
Or just myself?

I hate you,
Always putting me down.

I hate myself,
Constantly craving your approval.

Your love,
Which I seldom receive.

I hate the part of me
That begs for forgiveness,

The part of me
That will always just be human.

Nothing more,
Nothing more.

Tears run down my face.
I cry, hidden in my room.

Am I just being

You scream at me,
I am never good enough.

I already know.
Can't you see that?

The bitter moment of silence,
Long enough to last a lifetime.

For days, I refuse to speak.
Until I learn to love the human part of me.

Once again.
Why must you hate me so?
I haven’t written in several days
Not because I’ve been better
But because I’ve been gone,
Lost in the bottle
That keeps me numb.  
I like it here
But I’m scared.  
I haven’t had the words to say
That get me through the bad days
Because when I lose myself
I lose them too.
She loves the music more than words,
While I'm caught up in sentences,
The nouns and verbs obliquely heard,
The slanting lines of innocence,
Too often at the end of nerves
To have our tongues make any sense,
With nothing more than broken words.
Mistakes are human, I've been told,
Forgiveness from a greater soul.

She says the songs don't sing her name,
And poetry has scant appeal.
She sings.  I write.  We're not the same.
And yet our kisses make a seal.
With time gone south and winter near,
I  wish your legs, your lips were here.
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