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 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
My old friend,
A famous song and I love to be in the dark of a near silent wood,
Especially with good company
Of worthy friends,
But the darkness referred to in the song is nobody's friend,

The darkness of the soul when life goes south,
When illness strikes or hearts are broken
Then darkness comes
To **** out life and joy
And happiness,

I am in that darkness now
But I refuse to submit,
I will NOT sit blinded
By my sadness and
That which is inflicted,

I shall live my grief
And outlast it until such time
As love returns and the sun rises
On a new day
Or a returning love

One way or another my heart will sing again

I shall prevail
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
I have said I love you
So many times,
Yet that was not enough,
I have changed my very
Heart and soul
To return the real me,
That too was not enough,
I have buttled and battled
For you and for us,
Put self last and
Impoverished myself,
Even so twas not enough

Til now as if waking,
The worried words of friends
Break through,
Ring true,
For all that I
Poured myself out
Over and into you,
The return on my investment,
Love and heart and soul,
That return - requited nurture,
That visceral need for me,
That love returned,
It is actually THAT



Sometimes realisations can be painful
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
The laws of the universe
are written in repeating patterns.
Complicated crystals of consciousness.
Cooperation is a balancing force.
Survival of the fittest
is but death and war.
These laws are not just mine,  they’re ours.
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
I travelled the Mediterranean coast
when I was young
Such a beautiful landscape
Carefully carved from stone
Castles and cathedrals
Extravagantly designed
The marriage of man and divinity
In a Jubilee ancient time

The ghost of my ethnicity
No long prevails
If there’s no forest or rivers
I call that hell
I’ll take the winter
I’ll wait for the season to change
Find me not in any city
Nor any kind of desert terrain

Out here is where I’ll stay!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
Shaun Yee
Not so wonderful the world today ,
For madness has surely come to stay,
Goodness no longer is in the store,
Evil slowly kicked it out the door;
Intelligence seems so hard to find,
Stupidity always close behind,
World wars linger always on the brink,
Closer than what we would want to think;
No matter what all religions teach,
Love and Peace are always out of reach.
the descent
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
It’s a clever play on political words,
you know?
They somewhat stick
and absolutely over grow.
That is, the more farther apart in time and space
you staggered his wits and grace.
Why then anyways,
would we read on?
The main point has already come and there for gone…
So long Joe!
Traveler 🧳 Tim

Biden is officially no longer in the race

It’s just one big uniparty, anyways.
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
Another row and another
****** parting,
Hearts hard and yet
Crying inside,
Anger and passion compete
With yearning and sadness at loss,

We do not know,
You and I,
How to end or part,
And neither
It seems can we have
Harmony between us,

But that is what I want,
That is what you desire,
Even in the midst of war
We both say that
We tire of the fight,
And in not wanting that

We do actually agree,
We both want peace,
We both desire love,
We both yearn to fill
The same aching
****** void,

Well you fill mine,
And I fill yours,
At least we could if our
Rage would let us,
So here's a flag of truce,
Will you honour it?

Can we know that peace

We both



 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
How many times have
We each said that
One to another,
You to me
And me to you,
Just a word and yet
A whole sentence,
Entire paragraphs on occasion,
Hey hello,
Hey how's it going?
Hey, I have missed you
And I love you
And I am so very very glad
We are in one another's lives
Because it, and this, and we
Are precious,

And although you in your mood
And anger and self-righteous
ADHD infused rage
May never say hey to me
Again in this life,
Even though soon
If not already
Your strop will thaw
And your softness return but
Stay painted in a corner
Against the risk of finding love,
Although you only see the ****** bits
And focus on anything but those
Truly great memories we have,
Despite all that
I am am still here,
And despite verse two I am still
Standing here,

And I am still saying


Can you hear?
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
FBI #1 suspect
CIA #2 suspect
Nothing new here.
Traveler Tim
 Jul 2024 Karijinbba
Tim Emminger
Some people say I'm a fool
Because I still believe in you
I still believe in love
For the world and all of you

I may be a fool
I will not submit to hate
I believe there will be peace
Everyone accepted and free

Some people say I'm a fool
A dreamer of things that can't come true
But I won't give up on my fellow man
Peace and love will eventually win
This fool will keep on striving
Until my very end
Peace Love and Happiness
Write  On!
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