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Feb 2019 · 1.3k
Watching stars appear
Philipa James Feb 2019
Cradle me in your arms
Surround me with your love
Stay with me a while
Watching stars appear above
Let the moonlight reflect
In yours eyes so loving and true
For here on this night
All I need is love from you
Feb 2019 · 665
Has Anyone Seen My Marbles?
Philipa James Feb 2019
Has anyone seen my marbles?
I can't remember when I had them last.
I am sure they are around here somewhere, oh dam and blast!

Has anyone seen my marbles?
I am sure those pesky kids have had them away.
Maybe if you see them, you can return them to me someday.

Has anyone seen my marbles?
To survive half term without them, impossible it would be.
Please, oh please, if you see them bring my marbles back to me!
Surving half term lol
Feb 2019 · 903
Philipa James Feb 2019
Would you know a poem I wrote
Would you know me from the note
Would you be able to recognise
Or would you be fooled by my  disguise
Would I give the game away
Or incognito would I stay
Feb 2019 · 377
To My Valentine
Philipa James Feb 2019
To love you is easy
To live with you not so peasy
Then again I am no breeze
Many times you could have left with ease

Life has not always been a smooth ride for us
Especially the lack of time and  distrusts
Many challenges we have faced together
Who knows if it will last forever

But I love you so
And never want to let you go
Because all I need at the end of the night

Is you to hold me tight

Jan 2019 · 842
The beauty of winter
Philipa James Jan 2019
Trees withered by the winters cold
Snow and ice covering the road
Winter sun lies low in the sky
Waiting to blind the travelers eye
People rushing here and there
Wanting to get home to their cosy lair
All missing the beauty of the scenery
The calm, the still, the tranquillity
Mountains tall covered in snow
Snowdrops adorning the hedgerow
Dusk is fast approaching, time slips away
Darkend skies spell the end of another winter's day
Soon the moon will appear
Stars in the sky, crisp and clear
The beauty of winter is clear to see
Summer is just a distant memory
Jan 2019 · 355
Philipa James Jan 2019
At the bottom of the pile is were I lay
As I watch the sun go down on another lonely day

I lay awake staring at the moon
Knowing that it will be gone all too soon

Only for the sun to rise once more
Waiting for my true love to walk through the door

If only I could capture your heart
Maybe then you'd stay and we would never part
Jan 2019 · 439
Philipa James Jan 2019
Song bird sing your song of love

The sweetest of sounds sent from above

Drifting away so pleasantly

To the rhythm of the heartfelt

How I love to hear each note

Soulful melodies that make me

Forever I would gladly listen

To the tune that you have
Jan 2019 · 780
Philipa James Jan 2019
There once was a mouse

Who lived in our house

You'd often him hear him sing

Until the cat did gobble him
just a bit a fun haha
Dec 2018 · 248
Philipa James Dec 2018
I made a mistake
I was not yours to take
I was stupidly unaware
I should not have been there
I was foolish and naive
I should have made to leave
I was crazy to stay
Why could I not gather the strength to push you away

Scared. But silent were my screams
And now you haunt all my dreams
Dec 2018 · 249
Philipa James Dec 2018
Goodbye my little boy
I never had chance to buy you a toy

I never got to see your smile
Or in a trolley push you down the aisle

I waited for you so long
But before you even got here you were gone

A Mum and Dad bereft
A tiny body was all that was left

Sadness filled all around
As we lay you in the ground

Your older brother in blue
Missing someone he never knew

No comfort to be sought
No memories to bring a happy thought

After all these years
The thought of you still brings tears

You were the one that got away
And in heaven above is where you stay

Until we meet again my son
Stay safe my Callam my littlun

Dec 2018 · 239
Still Spinning
Philipa James Dec 2018
Life spins out of control
Will I ever feel truly whole
Up, down and round and round
Will my feet ever touch the ground

You have stepped on me and over me
A never ending struggle to be free
I have been mentally battered
Lying broken, completely shattered

I tried hard leave, to escape
The chains so heavy they scrape
Entangled in a web of deceit
Do I give in to defeat
Dec 2018 · 717
Let yours words be true
Philipa James Dec 2018
You were soft and loving, eyes full of remorse
You broke down my defences with so little force

After years of loving, I had closed the door
I wanted to believe, but didn't want to hurt anymore

My hands gripped so hard, my tears did flow
Scared of being hurt but not wanting to let go

You whispered so gently "don't cry, I love you"
For the sake of my heart, please let your words be true
Love, sometimes its hard
And sometimes it hurts.
But it is, almost, always worth it
Dec 2018 · 726
Let the words come
Philipa James Dec 2018
If only for today

I'd love to hear you say

The words that mean so much

Loving ones that touch

My soul aches to hear spoken words so true

Please let the words come through
Dec 2018 · 268
The end is near
Philipa James Dec 2018
All day long I wait for you

But when you arrive your words are few

Happiness is all around

But here there is none to be found

A joyous moment to be shared

You once would have cared

You are always distant, never really here

This is it, the end is near
Dec 2018 · 1.5k
This is love
Philipa James Dec 2018
When I needed you most
You took up the post
In the depths of my despair
You were always there
Through thick and thin
You loved me from deep within
If you ever had doubt
The spark of love never went out
My life has been hard to go through
I would not have made it without you
But no more will you have to be there
To rescue me from my despair
You are no longer to stand at this post
And give up the most
Now I set you free
From a life of being there for me
You are free to fly
Up higher than the sky

This is love ❤
Nov 2018 · 362
Is it the end
Philipa James Nov 2018
Do I except
This disrespect
Is it over
Or do I just rollover
Do I ignore
What has gone before
The heartbreak you bring
Has left a nasty sting
From the dream I have woken
Is it forever broken
Has it all ended
Or can it be mended
Nov 2018 · 371
Missing you
Philipa James Nov 2018
You never say goodnight anymore

You always used to kiss me before

Now you turn your back and look away

All night long this way you stay

Behind your back my tears flow

If only you'd turn and say hello
Nov 2018 · 1.9k
Penny for your thoughts
Philipa James Nov 2018
Would you pay to come inside
Come and see the secrets I hide
Would you want to take a look
Inside this tightly padlocked book
Come and see what you could find
In the depravaties of my mind

Stuff hidden away
Forever ever and a day
Unpleasant sadistic thoughts
That really shouldn't be bought
Come and see what you could find
In the depravaties of my mind

Things stored away for years and years
Things that would bring the sane to tears
See a twisted world of sin
Where there is no choice but to give in
Come and see what you could find
In the depravaties of my mind

Don't stand there at the rim
Delve deep into the grim
Things will never be the same
Once you have witnessed the insane
Come and see what you could find
In the depravaties of my mind
Nov 2018 · 203
Philipa James Nov 2018
If all I ever had was you
My life would be so blue

Your wilful neglect is plain to see
Your loving glance a painful memory

Despite what people say
I will love you till my dying day
May 2018 · 206
Philipa James May 2018
Again and again I look into your eyes
Trying to unlock the secrets they hide

Your heart is full of regret and sorrow
Regret for a path you did not follow

A journey we started together
Will now not last the promised forever

As I delve deeper your eyes are not clear
A look you give, fills me with fear

How easy I am to replace
Somebody new to to take my place

So take your regret and your sorrow
And your lust for a brighter tomorrow

I will go on with my life
And no longer be the unloved wife

A love once returned
Can never be re earned

— The End —