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 Jan 2020 Ally
Carlo C Gomez
The sun has come and gone
The moon eclipsed
The wind has run away
The sea receded

How many opportunities
Have been lost
Because of waiting for
'The right moment'
 Jan 2020 Ally
“So much”
 Jan 2020 Ally
So much to say,
So few people to truly listen.
 Jan 2020 Ally
 Jan 2020 Ally
Of all the ways
I’ve watched the world
Fail to take flight

The worst is my own
 Dec 2019 Ally
Caroline Ward
You told me a story
That I had told you
The day before
But you were so excited
To share it with me
That I let it be yours
And laughed in all
The right places.
 Oct 2019 Ally
Egidio Distante
Some relationships are not meant to be. It’s sad but this is life. You can not accept that, you can be sad and angry. You can drinking to hide the truth. Or you can just face it.
Life it’s like a trip on the train. If you are too focus on the destination you’re just missing everything.
I don’t believe in what I’m writing. Not yet. But it’s my duty to believe it.
 Oct 2019 Ally
 Oct 2019 Ally
Good night my love
Alone I lay
The heart grows heaver
With the end of day
A wandering mind
In a maze of rhymes
Gathering poetry
From vanished times
Lovers eyes
Slit the night
A poetic mind
Possesses sight
To see the wrong
In an artistic light
Where the beauty
Of pain sadly ignites
And there a spark
In the dread of dreams
A mirror reflection
Of what could have been
While alone I lay
In my dark room
Rocking and a rolling
And a howling
At the moon
Traveler Tim
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