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 Jun 2018 Emily
Lahkeesha Ghastin
She sits rather still, stitching her loom
shackled and bound to the whispering room
While the walls shutter speeches
she slouches then reaches,
her stitching resumed.

Threads of silk pool in spools
cast to the floor
Hushing the voices
as they pour

the voices repeat their crippling phrase
dancing the space
bound to their maze
Not sure. I've been editing it for awhile and I give up.
 May 2018 Emily
 May 2018 Emily
I found myself upon the water,
waves and breakers crashing.
My fear locked up inside the boat,
my desperate heartbeat catching.
The mounting waves and ceaseless sea
did fill my mind with fear.
But the sun broke through--
as the son will always do--
and in awe I cried:
My God! He is here!
 May 2018 Emily
Salmabanu Hatim
I care too much,
That makes me sensitive.
I expect too much in love,
It ruins everything.
My mind works overtime,
I think too much,
I don't sleep well,
I tend to get depressed.
But being depressed has made me realise,
The beauty in a smile,
The depth in kindness.
I talk too much,
I go on,non-stop,
People turn the other way
when they see me.
I have shared too much,
My love,kindness care and secrets,
I want them all back,
I regret being too much.
 May 2018 Emily
Salmabanu Hatim
Mum was in ICU,
Everyday I prayed for her long life,
I visited all the  holi places,
Praying,praying for her life,
She died!
I was angry with God,
I couldn't come to  terms with life,
I raged and ranted.
Then I came to know,
I had asked for her long life,
 May 2018 Emily
3am chores
 May 2018 Emily
It’s 3am and I’m still up
Not for the usual reasons.
There’s no beasts at my door
Nary a cloud to threaten my pate with showers
Not a beat or a drop being drunk
No trains to far off snow streaked drips
Nor a silken skinned goddess thieving my sleep
With manacling locks and glazed over eyes
It’s more mundane and a lot less dramatic
Making calls to far off lands
Organising, rectifying.
Office work for the witching hours
Adulting is such fun
We do what we have to :(
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