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 Apr 2023 Zoe Mae
Michael Murphy
Stay in your lane
It's not your fight

I know that it's tempting
You're thinkin you're right

The wisdom you'll find
In the days you look back

Was knowing when to retreat
And when to attack
The disaster took me by surprise. I never
  saw it coming. Madness piled on madness like
  a quilt made of patches of blown up skin.
  So much debris in the air we lost breath
  and went blind and called for our lost loves.
  We slept snug beneath the quiet aftermath.
 Apr 2023 Zoe Mae
Michael Murphy
That day, woke up,  stood, stumbled,
There was blood

This day, took a trip, the rain came,
Stuck in mud

A day in March,  bank man came,
Took my home

A day in April, bad hair day,
Lost my comb

I drank too much, on day in  May
The next day,
paid the price

Was in the dark, on day in June,
Electric off,
Not so nice

A year from hell? I guess,
... But not

The Lessons learned, learned well
Have not forgot
Been through a lot but still enjoy every day.
 Apr 2023 Zoe Mae
Michael Murphy
So sick I see
I see death and war
A loving couple
That loves no more

The orphaned child
The broken limb
The pious soul
So wracked with sin

Watch flowers spring
From sickened soil
To die again
And lay to spoil

A faceless man
once proud and true
So what's the point
I point to you

If God there be
Is this the goal
That grief impact
Eternal soul

Is there a moral
To this story
Will grief-filled paths
Then lead to glory
 Mar 2023 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
while you’re away
and forever
be never further
than closer than ever
to me

may you always stay
and never
leave here
for here is nearer
than you’ll ever be
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