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 Mar 2023 Zoe Mae
Larry Schug
If you fold up your paper,
turn off your radio and TV,
sit on the steps and sip your tea,
watch the birds and speak no words
as the sun rises yellow and round,
making rainbows on the dewy lawn,
you could fool yourself into thinking
there’s no ****** war going on.
 Feb 2023 Zoe Mae
Thomas W Case
There is a gravity to
sadness; it pulls me
downward into a
deep dark well.
I can't climb out.
It's my own private hell.
I pray for levitation.
I jump, only to fall.
I feel forgotten.

I put one foot in
front of the other,
and I will rise.
I move on.
Hope returns like
a long lost friend,
and I find my sanctuary.
I have 2 and a half weeks sober  I went to the hospital and had 2 withdraw seizures.  I fell and hit my head, I got a concussion and a small brain bleed, I am hopeful.
Life is no charming fairytale
Even on easiest days
Most blessed person you know
Has demons to keep at bay
There's no such thing as perfect
Beauty eventually will all decay
The only hope we have is to hang on
Find happiness within the disarray
And there is no such thing as happily ever after
 Feb 2023 Zoe Mae
A mental noteđź“’,
In the process of surviving,
I don't want to forget living.
 Jan 2023 Zoe Mae
In the quiet
In the stillness
Sun rising and shining
Being grateful and appreciative
Sometimes even that is not enough
But if your are Thankful for another day to try again
Another chance to love your family and friends
Another chance to contribute to the world making it better
Enjoy your day because you earned it

 Jan 2023 Zoe Mae
 Jan 2023 Zoe Mae
Society is a prison.
It traps you in
And steals your freedoms.
Makes you conform.
Until you are normal.

So why don't we escape?

Because we are afraid.
Afraid of being alone.
Loneliness rots the mind
It steels the heart.

We all decided
Being trapped together
Is better than to be free
 Jan 2023 Zoe Mae
Stay here
 Jan 2023 Zoe Mae
Stay here
when everything says run.
Stay here
when the jaw grinds shut.
Stay here
when the breath runs thin.
Stay here
when you're out of your skin.
Stay here
when the drink calls quietly.
Stay here
when the voice says spitefully,
"you're not enough"
when it comes to this stuff,
running feeds the fire
and true healing requires
staying here.
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