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 Mar 2022 Zoe Mae
David P Carroll
Enjoy the laughter
Every day and
Release your tears today
And embrace
True love and happiness
Every day and
Forget about your
Fears all through
Your day.
R.I.P To All Our Loved Ones Who
Have Passed Away.
God Bless You.
 Mar 2022 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
I’d trade my heart
for your mind
My touch for your eyes
My soul for your love

Yet never, my mind for your heart
My eyes for your touch
Or my love for your soul

For how then shall I
Ever know you
Ever see you
Ever love you
 Mar 2022 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
my heart    is split
into two   parts
  the part that   is now left
        and the part   that was right
Even under the greyest sky
Bright colors of nature come through.
So can you
Just find the strongest you.

Shell ✨🐚
 Feb 2022 Zoe Mae
My Dear Poet
you deserve some rest
You’ll be stronger
You’ll stand proud
You’ll even smile
And laughter…it will come

So sleep, be at peace
Have some rest
It’s been a long day
A tough day
But you were brilliant
You were beautiful
you can do this
And you will do this
 Feb 2022 Zoe Mae
Even more
 Feb 2022 Zoe Mae
The world is splitting
How painful and scary
History repeats itself and they don't accept or acknowledge it
One country,one people,people,
In my heart United forever dropping politics and religion
Least this writer believes that
Losing two great friends and a parent
STANDING taller and stronger in their memories and for myself
I love  you baby even more
MY greatest treasure and gift that keeps sharing
Even more

 Feb 2022 Zoe Mae
The Foodie One
In the darkest
and saddest
of Times,
It’s the tiniest
Spark of Beauty
that - still - keeps me
© 27/02/2022
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