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 Oct 2019 Debbie Lydon
'I caught a glimpse of your face through the universe'
Unearthly hours
Cool breeze makes it beautiful
Green leaves glow and softly shine
Under the streetlight fluorescent white
Grey clouds and the crescent moon
Hum along with the tender leaves
They shimmer and shine, bend and sway gracefully in every way
Shadows on the pavement and the white plastered walls as the leaves softly dance
A beauty in the dark
straight lines
are going into nowhere,
just like me.
Here is a poem to help you sleep
On this cold and frosty night
Snuggle down between the sheets
Then just turn off the light.

You know its really bitter outside
But inside its nice and warm
With pleasant dreams now close your eyes
Untill another day is born.

Forget about the weather outside
Your sheltered by roof and walls
The temperature may just decide
To cause the snow to fall.

So here is a poem to make you sleep
On this cold and frosty night
Snuggle down between the sheets
Then just turn off the light
Winter is almost here and and the cold nights have arrived
I'm not a big fan of cold weather but it does help you to appreciate
A nice warm bed.and the comforts of life.
 Oct 2019 Debbie Lydon
Am I suicidal
if I want to hug
the sun
cause I love her
so much?
 Oct 2019 Debbie Lydon
Mark Toney
My memories took flight from Spring's rookery,
Nurtured by Summer's warm seas and
Trade winds soft under blue skies,
Reinforced by Autumn's harvest and happenstance

Pray my memories remain deep within me like a
Fortress securely established on a rock-mass,
High on golden hills, impregnable,
As Winter's cruel seas and merciless winds approach
10/27/2019 - Poetry form: Free Verse - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
 Oct 2019 Debbie Lydon
Poetic T
I can swim,
   But I'll always

Drown in you..
Don't break my heart.
Or anything else, for this matter.
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