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 Oct 2019 Debbie Lydon
Bob B
Someone once said that we die twice--
First, when we take our very last breath.
The flame on our candle goes out as we
Transition between life and death.

But then comes our second dying.
It’s similar but not the same.
That death occurs when someone for
The very last time says our name.

So where are extinguished flames?
What happens to the morning dew?
What effect does speculating
Have upon our point of view?

Life has many questions to ponder.
I wonder if such thoughts are freeing:
Knowing that we once had been
And not remaining attached to being.

-by Bob B (10-26-19)
My feelings for you
Can't be forecast,
They can't be transmitted,
They cannot be faxed.
 Oct 2019 Debbie Lydon
Mark Toney
~ If selfishness precipitates, love will evaporate ~

Perfect present from heaven above
You and I, we fit like a glove
Please let's not fight
It's just not right
So happy that we're so in love

Let our relationship grow
               ~love reciprocates~
Let sensation be sensible
               ~kindness mitigates~
Let meditation be met
               ~patience celebrates~
With love that's suitable

Cultivating our love to grow
We must let communication flow
Please hold me dear
You have my ear
Talk to me I want to know

Let our relationship grow
               ~love reciprocates~
Let sensation be sensible
               ~kindness mitigates~
Let meditation be met
               ~patience celebrates~
With love that's beautiful

A three-fold cord won't easily fray
I thank God for us every day
Through thick and thin
You're my best friend
Blessed that we feel this way

Let our relationship grow
               ~love reciprocates~
Let sensation be sensible
               ~kindness mitigates~
Let meditation be met
               ~patience celebrates~
With love that's suitable

With love that's beautiful
With love immutable
1/30/2019 - Poetry form: Lyric - Copyright © Mark Toney | Year Posted 2019
Tomorrow I will wake up and look at this world, totally bewildered.
I just know that.
I'm looking for an island with a nice house, calm lights and some occasionally laughing people not far away. Nothing fancy, really.
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