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Andreas Simic Apr 2018
Life is indeed an incredible journey
when I was young I grew up in a different place
that place was the cause of many wars

When we left there, I was a mere child and
it was to allow us children the opportunity
for a better life and a chance for normalcy

Yet learning a new language, being ostracized
feeling the pain of being different and carrying
the stigma of being a foreigner was a heavy burden

And were all part of the process of assimilation
of fitting in, of being like everyone else
oft a painful journey both physically and mentally

Years of being different, melding to become the same
and so over time you blend in, the differences becoming
less stark, day by day, year by year

Then as if by magic you are one of them
you graduate high school and college and get a job
you have children, own a home and a standing in the community

You realize that there comes a time to forgive
forgive your parents for taking you from your old home
where you knew who you were and looked like everyone else

Forgive the other kids that bullied you and made you feel unwanted
for they were kids being kids and didn’t know any other way
to accept someone from someplace else

Forgive yourself for feeling the way you did towards them
for in the end we all learn, learn to adapt, learn about acceptance
and learn to forgive.

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Apr 2018
I spoke to God the other day
Wanting to hear what he had to say

My ask
What is my task

Why am I here at all
Every winter, spring, summer and fall

The reply is always the same
Make a difference in a life regardless of their name

But how can I do this
When my life has been far from bliss

Why me I express again
Erstwhile checking if I am sane

For I am but one from many a billion
Some who have many a million

What makes me different from the rest
Uniquely qualified for this quest

A drop in the bucket is how I feel
Far from someone who can make this real

The answer is always a surprise
One I forget and have oft to re-surmise

No deed no matter how small
Counts equal to them all

It may make someone’s moment
Or cause them to lament

That they too have been heaven sent
To be the treasure they were meant

Each rain drop adds to the lake
This we should never forsake

Andreas Simic©
Andreas Simic Apr 2018
Whether it is cheek to cheek
A proper distance apart at the start
Or belly to belly just like jelly
Dancing can be fun for everyone

What does it mean to be seen dancing
Are you cool to be out there or just another square
Wanting to be included and not deluded
About your foot work skills creating chills

Is it taboo to dance with a neighbor too
Or by chance the girl next store that you adore
What a about at the school dance hoping to take a chance
We know it’s there for romance

At a wedding to celebrate or those on a date
Watching that dance show so you know
How it ought to be done can bring joy
At a bar or somewhere not that far

There is no right place to test your pace
Whether formal or out to impress in your favorite dress
You can’t really make a mess
Though lesson’s can lead to better success

Is there not a greater feeling when the girl is reeling
In your arms so close for you to get the most
Of her hand in yours eyes blazing and glazing
The heart a glow, you putting on quite the show

Or what of a child cradled in your arm away from harm
As you twirl with your young girl
For a starter you don’t need to be a martyr
You can dance even if it makes you want to prance

Dance can happen in any given season
In fact there doesn’t even need to be a reason
For you to strut your stuff
Until you have had enough

Andreas Simic©
Heading to a wedding this week and there will be dancing!
Andreas Simic Apr 2018
Can you help me please
I have been born into someone else's life
how else to explain a child like me
living on the streets filled with quagmire
alone and lonely watching your children pass by
They dressed in clothes that fit not found
in an alley filled with the worlds least desirable
Their mouths having tasted a regular meal
not the hand me down scraps that provide
sustenance but not nourishment
They walk to school for education while I
pander to humanity for another day of living
idle chatter a commodity I can ill afford
laughter a luxury that evades me
smiles are for financial gain not for expressing inner joy
Yes this is not my life, but a temporary stop, is my hope

Andreas Simic©
Picture prompt and credit: https://mweiss-art.devi
Andreas Simic Apr 2018
Stumbling to find the words
To ask her out that first time
Stomach like curds
Finding that right line

When yes was her reply
Joy and excitement on my face
My emotions sky high
The heart beginning to race

Oft to a dinner royale we do go
Conversation and wine ensues
Eyes meet and smiles exchange, she's it I know
Drawing to an end was getting the blues

The bill arrives and it was quite a lot
Then the realization my wallet I forgot

Andreas Simic©
Wrote this sonnet for a poetry contest
Andreas Simic Mar 2018
What Would it Take

What would it take to have peace on earth


What would it take to have peace on earth


What would it take to have peace on earth

Open mindedness
Inner strength

What would it take to have peace on earth


Why don’t we have peace on earth


Why don’t we have peace on earth

Any or all of the above

Andreas Simic©
Random ramblings in the early A.M.
Andreas Simic Mar 2018
On that day
I will cast away
the chains of responsibility
like a cruise ship leaving port
to places unknown and far away

On that day
I will relinquish
the title of
good son
and share the load

One that day
I shall let go
of always being in control
allow my inner compass
to lead

On that day
I shall purge
the voices
those demons of my mind
and hear silence

On that day
I will be free
to explore the world
having released the burden
of adulthood

On that day
I will awaken
to find contentment
that place in my heart
where all is good

Someday this
will all be mine


Andreas Simic©
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