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  Feb 2018 Cam
We try and look for the words
to describe how hurt
the love
our hate
the rare happiness

we feel

but let's be honest
we'll never find it
you'll keep writing
Cam Feb 2018
100 days
Till the bright white sun
Shines down the earth
Warming me from head to toe
100 days
Till the water sparkles with joy
Happy to be seen after months
Hidden under the glaring ice
100 days
Till we sing around the campfire
Watching the night sky
Come alive with a billion stars
100 days
Till I laugh at the feeling
Of the warm wind
Tumbling through my hair
100 days
I have been counting down summer since school started and as of today there are only 100 days left!
  Feb 2018 Cam
Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.
  Feb 2018 Cam
Eric the Red
On some days it won’t
Need tending to
We can watch the smoke
Billow & Reach
To the sky
Embers mixed with night

Other days it’ll be at the end
Of our wick
And it’ll seem like it’s dying
Just a whisper of light
We won’t like those days
But we’ll get through them
We always do

And some days will have
And we’ll need to feel it
Each other
‘Come warm yourself...’

But the best days
Will be when it seems
Like the world is alight
By our love
I’ll kiss every inch of your
Wanting to be burnt
Alongside you

And hell won’t be of any surprise
Because I’d have been
With you...
Cam Feb 2018
Once someone abandoned me
I thought that revenge is what I wanted
I never thought I would actually go through with it
I thought it would feel good
To hurt the person
That hurt me
I guess I was wrong
Cam Feb 2018
Its hard to keep up with life
When it seems as though
Life is holding you back
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