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 Nov 2014 Chloe C
The cold and the rain.
The beauty of you
shivering through your
jeans as you stand and
freeze while the breeze
makes its way across
your fleshy cheeks. Making
you cold to the knees leaving
me wanting to take a
picture and keep it in a
golden frame with your
name. A fork a knife and
a cinnobon roll shared
with your wife. How much
exciting can this life turn
out to be. You treat me like
a queen bumble bee. The
honey drops from your
voice while you tell me words
of love and how that you
gave your all to me. I laugh i
smile and stare into your
eyes for a while. This is not
a dream this is reality.
Feeling light and free as a
pretty coloured feather you
manage to make me. Thanks
for existing and making me
so **** happy as i write
down this love in the form
of poetry* ~
She Got Angel Wings Today

Today I lost my mother
A woman I so loved
She gave to me so much joy
A gift from God above

She said we should not worry
There's a time we all must go
Told us of the plans she made
All the things we'd need to know

I'm glad her fight is over
She had given all she can
She knew that she was ready
To meet her journeys end

My mother was a fighter
So much to us she gave
She lived her life for others
Made the world a better place

Her life it was so special
She was a woman I so loved
Raised five children on her own
Not once did she give up

I told her that I loved her
The night before she died
Kissed her as I held her hand
Felt the love she held inside

I loved my mother very much
And I'm glad she feels no pain
I know she went to heaven
She got Angel wings today

In memory of my mother
M Yvonne Roberts
1938 to 2014

Poem by
Carl Joseph Roberts
 Nov 2014 Chloe C
Emily Dickinson

This Consciousness that is aware
Of Neighbors and the Sun
Will be the one aware of Death
And that itself alone

Is traversing the interval
Experience between
And most profound experiment
Appointed unto Men—

How adequate unto itself
Its properties shall be
Itself unto itself and none
Shall make discovery.

Adventure most unto itself
The Soul condemned to be—
Attended by a single Hound
Its own identity.
 Nov 2014 Chloe C
Months go by and the
seasons change, but the lust for
you remains the same.
 Nov 2014 Chloe C
 Nov 2014 Chloe C
generation me,
the selfie generation,
going nowhere,

but what the 'great generation' and those who came before us don't understand,
is that we are a generation all our own,
akin to the hippies,
and radical youngsters in the 60s,
fighting against our parents in our own way.

we are owning ourselves and our bodies.
we are breaking free from their grasps
through our sexuality
our selfies
our words and our actions.

we are a generation who is owning ourselves and how we feel
we are revolutionary ourselves.
I say power to the teenagers and especially girls. Empower ourselves and take no ones ****.
 Nov 2014 Chloe C
if i drowned
in my own tears,
would it be
because they were mine,
because you caused them?
 Nov 2014 Chloe C
I believed.
I was deceived.
I cared.
It was not shared.
I fell.
You could tell.
To you, I was drawn.
You led me on.
I said I love you.
You lied and said you did too.
Then I said Don't leave me
You said We'll see
I should have walked away.
Made you ask me to stay.
But now I'm left alone.
Parts of me, left in your soul.
My heart aches beneath these bones.
But without me,
*You feel whole.
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