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 Sep 2016 Two Dents
Thomas EG
They follow you inside
Searching for a favour
You offer, mindlessly
They accept, gratefully

You hand it over and
They posess great thanks
To the extent of expressing
Their words in a poem

They produce a journal
Which prods you to smile
You took them for an artist
But never for a poet

Your face lights up
As they tell you more
Life touches you like that
Until next drunken time
 Nov 2015 Two Dents
RW Dennen
I realize the ripple effect that monstrous attack in Paris
caused by Isis. But no matter what, do not let these events
make us prisioners from freedom. Ben Franklin himself warned that to seek so much security is to give up our freedom; so here goes...

They walk into darkness
exiled from fear

Relinquished               cerebral thoughts,

freedom wanes,

dissolved                      into                rote-r­eality,

into a spirit of ****,

cast                    downtrodden,

embracing submissive bogus security
 Nov 2015 Two Dents
Thomas EG
Two rights will never fix a wrong
But neither will a poem nor song
So I will say that I'm happy
Just laugh with instead of at me
A short drunkenly-written poem
In the sky there is nobody asleep. Nobody, nobody.
Nobody is asleep.
The creatures of the moon sniff and prowl about their cabins.
The living iguanas will come and bite the men who do not dream,
and the man who rushes out with his spirit broken will meet on the street corner
the unbelievable alligator quiet beneath the tender protest of the stars.

Nobody is asleep on earth. Nobody, nobody.
Nobody is asleep.
In the graveyard far off there is a corpse
who has moaned for three years
because of a dry countryside on his knee;
and that boy they buried this morning cried so much
it was necessary to call out the dogs to keep him quiet.

Life is not a dream. Careful! Careful! Careful!
We fall down the stairs in order to eat the moist earth
or we climb to the knife edge of the snow with the voices of the dead dahlias.
But forgetfulness does not exist, dreams to not exist;
flesh exists. Kisses tie our mouths
in a thicket of new veins,
and whoever his pain pains will feel that pain forever
and whoever is afraid of death will carry it on his shoulers.

On day
the horses will live in the saloons
and the enraged ants
will throw themselves on the yellow skies that take refuge in the eyes of cows.

Another day
we will watch the preserved butterflies rise from the dead
and still walking through a country of gray sponges and silent boats
we will watch our ring flash and roses spring from our tongue.
Careful! Be careful! Be careful!
The men who still have marks of the  claw and the thunderstorm,
and that boy who cries because he has never heard of the invention of the bridge,
or that dead man who possess now only his head and a shoe,
we must carry them to the wall where the iguanas and the snakes are waiting,
where the bear's teeth are waiting,
where the mummified hand of the boy is waiting,
and the hair of the camel stands on end with a violent blue shudder.

Nobody is sleeping in the sky. Nobody, nobody.
Nobody is sleeping.
If someone does close his eyes,
a whip, boys, a whip!
Let there be a landscape of open eyes
and bitter wounds on fire.
No one is sleeping in this world. No one, no one.
I have said it before.

No one is sleeping.
But if someone grows too much moss on his temples during the night,
open the stage trapdoors so he can see in the moonlight
the lying goblets, and the poison, and the skull of the theatres.
 Nov 2015 Two Dents
I don't like the way people say your name
Some end it with a bitter note
It sounds harsh and out of style
Some don't say it at all
But some can't even say it right
It doesn't sound right coming from anyone else
It's mine.
Mine I tell you.
Because I don't like the way people say your name
But I guess to you it all sounds the same.
Can't even rhyme right now lol
 May 2015 Two Dents
AK Bright
She looks in the mirror
At the age on her face
"I wonder what he thinks
of me this way?"

She considers her weight
and the pores on her skin
She thinks out loud
"I don't deserve him."

She picks apart
the woman he loves
Separating her worth
from all that she does
He looks in her eyes
and caresses her face
He sees it glowing with love
and full of grace

 The lines on her face
  he views with pride
  Recounting the victories
  each time they've been tried

The weight that she carries
 is that of a mom
 Nothing's too heavy
 She just marches on

These bodies will perish
 and mirrors offer no truth
True love abides
 beyond the corridors of youth

  No, she doesn't deserve me
  Perhaps God can see
  Conceivably, one day
  I'll be as worthy as she
to the mother of my children. Happy Mother's Day!
 May 2015 Two Dents
 May 2015 Two Dents
Each time
he opened up
she took a part of him
and kept it for a bullet

each time
he opened up
he waited ...

and was disappointed

but in the end
because it was the end
she opened up too

with every bullet
she'd saved

until his screams
burned remorse
in to her eyes..
With a joint in the ashtray
and a pen in my hand
I travel through vapours
to my neverland
awareness fades slowly
to the drum beating time
as I float, now enraptured
slow-captured, sublime.
Where I am an island
no hurt at my shore
here grief doesn't beckon
'cause I love you no more
but deep in minds shadows
l feel you draw near
my bringer of sadness
sweet wringer of tears
I hear your dark whispers
rekindling our ties
I'm fighting, freefalling
through love laden lies.
 Apr 2015 Two Dents
Don't approach a dog unknown to you
Holding out your hand, making eye contact
You may frighten him
Let him come to you

Don't write a poem uninspired
It won't work out
In good time
Let it come to you

Don't go out there seeking love
Like a child with a butterfly net
Live your life
Let it come to you
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