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I wish that I could say I miss
The taste of your lips against mine
But you never touched them
I wish I could say I miss
The way the words "I love you" left your mouth
But you never even said them
I wish I could say I miss
But you were never mine to miss
I stole you away for a week and you let me, you knew what you were doing
I don't want to give up on you
Eventhough you gave up on me
So easily
I'm not ready to tell you goodbye
Though you seem to be just fine
Turning your back on me
Oh, it's not easy
For me
I wish I could still say
Life goes on and I move on
But the tears, they come at night
And I wake up with a half heart
Gave you a piece of me
Never to be seen again
Left with it in the dark hours
Before the sun rises and I wake up
To an empty bed
I just wish you would stay longer
Just a little while longer
Just a little bit longer
Please stay a little longer
I swear I'll be good to you
I'll be so ******* good to you
There is the day before and the day after.

The day before you'd poured sunshine into my cereal, brought me breakfast in bed and let the light shine through your eyes like I was the gold you'd been digging for your entire life. The day before you wanted to know if I would get teased about you, and I didn't say it wasn't necessary to worry, they were all already rooting for you. The day before I walked on a cloud, oblivious to the rain dampening my shoes like a warning sign. The day before you made me believe there was hope for me, for you, for us both to create a magical unicorn and ride into the sunset. The day before I was keeping you awake because neither of us wanted to stop talking. The day before we made plans. The day before you went out of your way for me. The day before I mattered. The day before I was so happy. The day before I walked down to the shop to buy your favourite cereal and spent the day watching sport to understand what you were talking about.

Then the day after arrived.

The day after, the cereal box sat the entire day at the same place and you forgot to text me. The day after I ran circles wondering if I should text you first and I caved. It took you 4 hours to write back two words. The day after I doubted for the first time in weeks. The day after I drank so I would forget the feel of your body curled into mine. The day after I was falling off the cliff you'd brought me to to admire the view and you weren't watching me. The day after you left me dangling because you were watching her. The day after, and even now, you are still staring away and I am still waiting for you to pull me up. The day after is as empty as a beach without an ocean, a winter without snow, a storm without thunder, a bed where I lay without you. The day after is my personal apocalypse where the memories of you crawl up like the undead from every direction. The day after is a desert and no oasis to quench my thirst. The day after is turning my phone on silent because I cannot bear my jumping heart every time it chimes and it isn't you. The day after is drowning my thoughts in alcohol until I cannot breathe and pray for it to be over. The day after is wondering when "after" becomes "now".
I bought you ******* crunchy nut and I a nerf gun and they're still sealed and everytime I see them I want to die
It’s been a while now
You keep telling me there is no difference
But I remember the way it was before
Once so warm your touch is like ice
I shiver whenever you breathe on my skin
The feeling is gone
Your hands are cold
And freeze mine when you hold them in yours
My grip is too tight
I don’t want to ever let you go
But the frost crawls up my heart like a vicious snake
And now I can’t feel anything anymore
I’m numb and blue
My skin turns to stone
And the memory of the past freezes my thoughts
Until nothing is left but the pain of the present.
Sometimes something happens in my head,
Like an explosion
And from it a universe of words and feelings are born
And I try to write it all down
All the misery and the joy
But there are so many thoughts rushing to be heard
And I can't make sense of all of it
More often than not art takes roots in darkness
And darnkess changes things.
She loved you but you loved someone else
She cared for you but you cared for someone else
She only wanted to matter to you
She was not desperate for your attention
Just for a little smile
A little care
She didn't know life like you did
She was stuck in the middle of a war
At home she would put her arms around herself
A bundle of pain
A burden of desperation
To disappear she would go to sleep
Only to wake up to cries and shouts
Of madness
And anger
She would wake up to fists and blood
Raining on her like the apocalypse
She would try to disappear
With blades and tears
Dig up her grave to reappear on the other side
I think a part of her will always be waiting for you
For you to save her from the monsters
Save her from the nightmares
Because she…
… she loved you so much but you…
…you loved someone else.
She looks at him like you never looked at me
I gaze longingly while you struggle to get away
After all,
You never promised me you would stay.
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