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 Jun 2015 Trish Smith
 Jun 2015 Trish Smith
I'm not crying because i failed you
I'm crying because i failed myself

 Jun 2015 Trish Smith
Prey ~
 Jun 2015 Trish Smith
-Never let yourself fall prey
To something you feel has captured you
For nothing can be taken from you without your consent.-

Your're like a
Your branches are rough
Refering to your
Skills of showing off
When your leaves are
You become greedy with
When theres a point your 're
you can snap easily
If somene holds you
The wrong way
During fall you
Change your self
To red or fury
Yellow to mellow
Not giving a care in the world
Orange to be sweet and calm
You never speak
That's exactly
How a tree is
I could hug you tight
But  maybe you won't
In return
 Jun 2015 Trish Smith
My heart felt anonymous glory
You see; me and him, we had a love story
That only I knew about.
With my eyes yearning for a drought
I loved him more than a friend
But i was just a companion that his God had send.
And when he brought her to meet me,
Introducing me just as what he'd only known me to be,
My emotions went astray
And I turned to her; "We're not friends,
We're just strangers with memories"

Then walked away
Still yearning for that drought
Hoping that he'd understand what i felt without doubt
Just one day maybe
I'll be your baby
But for now
My  dreams is where you have vowed!

This simply explains the eccentricities of a girl to be with who she truly loves no matter who he is ... :/
 Jun 2015 Trish Smith
-I just love with profundity  
I swear i'm not ******-*

 Jun 2015 Trish Smith
I wish I would have stopped the ticking clock
Just to stop you from going
To stop you from drifting away
But unfortunately you did
Slowly like a mist
You slipped away from me
You became hazy
As you drifted
You became blurry
As you slowly got carried away
Away with the windy air
zappa blows cartoon music
out of a cerulean blue kazoo
in my kitchen while i
eat greasy cold pizza
out of a crusty cardboard box
& marcus the kitten gnaws
on my sock ankle achilles
& it's in moments like this
that i'm a-ok with being alone
my **** could stay soft for the
rest of my life no problemo
i'm beautiful alone i tell myself
out loud & marcus stops chewing
acts like he understands me
but i know it's only
temporary this feeling of adequacy
& full-time fulfillment tomorrow
i'll wake up cold & lonely again
& pining for smooth thighs
& butterflies
& a girl whose best friend committed suicide
i post little things like this to my facebook all the time, usually saving more serious efforts for hellopoetry, but i liked this one enough to make it crossover.
This is a story,
of how I fell in love.
The characters are me
and you.
Kinda cliche if you ask me.
with a boy and a girl
and there's love;
but the only difference is,
only I knew
about the story,
that is happening between us two.
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