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 Jun 2016 tranquil
Poetic T
The liquid light embedded on my cortex
and I was lingering on the precipice of the
voices that shined so brightly within.

Burning there thoughts deeper into my
subconscious like butterflies wings
scorching on ever moment of intention

I'm a moment of conflicting interests
and i sway from the light to the twilight
places the voices take me there in silence.
I hang in between the moments,
For they take me in silently and warmly.

I Hang in between the moments,
Like a soldier on the battlefield
checking on his memories ,
amidst incessant firing.

I hang in between the moments
I see you
Like a crimson moon rising
In the sun setting eastern sky.

I hang in between the moments
You walk towards me,
I reach out with my fingers to touch your butter skin
And you transform into the fumes of my burning desires,
Leaving me in awe of your body scent.

I hang in between the moments
Stealing time for new memories ,
Clinging to the old ones
like tiny stars to their silver silhouette,
For there is no watch made to keep an eye.

I hang in between the moments
To chase the pavements
Which you said will lead me to you
I end up amidst the deep woods
The awning branches filling the voids
What a perfect place to meet in between

Let's start over from these in between moments
These are the ones unknown to inevitable.
 Apr 2016 tranquil
Ronald D Lanor
silted clouds
upon thick breath air

the cackle of a
green woodpecker

gentle pulse
of earthen bells

glass fingers
bestow heaven


a rain flower
 Mar 2016 tranquil
now & wine
 Mar 2016 tranquil

 Jan 2016 tranquil
 Jan 2016 tranquil
the moon knows.

she has seen countless confessions in her light, watched life and death alike, and judged none of it. the moon is the one who will not whisper your secrets to the stars. she is just a reflection, after all. limited by her existence.

the sun is the one who will betray you, will turn his back on you, will scream everything you've done to everyone awake to hear. the sun shines and does not care if you burn beneath him.

the moon does not care, either, but she is not vindictive, and for that, we tell her things the sun will never know.

didn't anyone tell you that the moon can keep a secret?

she is not the sun.
i have a lot of feelings about the sun and the moon and i'm still working on getting them down.
 Nov 2015 tranquil
Still learning to reach for the gifts
star like in the skies
Taking them into my heart

One at a time

One for your love
The children too

One for the mind
One for the feelings
Through and through

One for the light evolving
One for the light of healing

One at a time

One for the heat of living

Still learning to reach for the gifts
Star like in the skies.
Contrails have etched powder blue skies , the April countryside enhanced with silver tones .. The collapse of reason coupled with an early morning frost , tender seedlings beg the mercy of the rising Sun , bound for its midday zenith ..  Such is the fragility of love just as the daffodils of Spring , a luster of Silver Maples dancing in the wind , clockwork precision of the Grist mill on Cotton Indian Creek . A brisk walk along the cool , riparian shore , bound for warmth , recalculation and the many miracles of familiar woodlands , across quiet bottom land . Alone* .
Copyright November 17 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved

If I've missed any of your writes please send them to me so I can have the privilege of reading them ! Thank you very much !
 Nov 2015 tranquil
Isaac Peña
This one goes to the real poets.
To those who decide to carry the world on their own.
To those who carry hell in their head and a graveyard of lost love stories in their heart
To the brave ones who fight darkness with darkness.
Tho those who the only answer they seek from a god is if there's eternal life for their loved ones, because they know there's no space for them in that paradise.
To those who know that suffering is the most humane feeling there is.
To those who loved and hated the wrong person.
This goes to Lorca isolated, hiding in a closet in New York.
To Unamuno craving to believe in something impossible.
To Quiroga drinking the poison of his sorrow at a hospital.
To Becquer and Espino for dying so young.
To Neruda for cheating on himself so many times.
To Machados' lost spirit.
To Marquez and his melancholic ******.
To Poe's tormented soul and his raven.
To Shakespeare and his Juliet.
To Dante and his story of woe.
This goes for the only beings who can live with a hell inside of them, and still manage to write heavenly things for those in need to read.
This one's for us.
 Nov 2015 tranquil
dating a writer
is like guessing the weather.
you think you know what you'll get,
but you never do.

you never know

she'll create a hero
from your weaknesses

and she'll write a great character,
from every last flaw.

she'll create a thousand plots  
from your worst nightmares.

she'll take every last thing you hate
and create something you'll love.

she'll turn your anger
into confessions of adoration,

and she'll make you,
everything you're not.

but worst of all,
she'll leave you wondering-
is it you she's in love with,
or things she's created from you?

but here's the beauty of it:

if you date a writer,
you'll never die.
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