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Knock knock on your door
knocked a thousand times or more
I hope for your knock in return
Just one knock
That's what I pray
Each and every night
Hoping you'll stay
Knock knock on the door
Knowing someone's home
On the other side
I'm not mad or out of my mind
Im just hoping you'll be mine

So knock knock on the door
I'm scared to turn the ****
I'm afraid I'll be turned away
By the sternness of your voice
In the color of anger through your skin
And the words of
"You're not wanted in"
So on the other side of the door I stay
Praying before my love life decays
I knock once more
with no answer in return
When I see your smile,
I feel happy and sad.
I'm happy to see your smile.
I'm sad,
If I can't make you keep smiling for me.
For a while, it seems some of us are forget what that meant.
I go on Facebook
And see all the horribleness of this world
Misery really does love company
when my  "i love you"s
thrash against the cage
of my throat
i wonder who i am protecting:
you or me?

it's such a crafty thing
managing to escape
when i thought you couldn't hear me

tell me,
could you feel it in
the press of my fingers on your chest,
the heat of my tongue tracing your lips

i guess you could because
when morning came

 Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
noun | pen·e·tra·tion |\pe-nə-ˈtrā-shən\
1) the act of going through or into something: the act of penetrating something
2) an ability to understand things clearly and fully*

if you penetrate their body
without entering their mind
you aren't really all the way in
 Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
 Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
My cousin asked what my resolution was for next year
I said, "to survive".

She said saying that was morbid,
but I think it's morbid if you don't.
wishing to be happy.
 Dec 2015 Mariana Nolasco
m i a
i swear

when i looked

into his eyes

i saw so many unknown galaxies

universes, and skies

i felt like a scientist

eager to discover what was inside
im actually proud of this one.
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