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Little girl with bright blonde hair
Cheeks painted pink
Playfully hid behind the table
"Mommy do you see me?"

Innocent eyes and a smile so grand
Her laugh so bubbly
She looked up to her mother
"Mommy do you see me?"

Her mother looked down
And she covered her eyes
Only just for a moment
But she opened to a surprise

Her baby girl had grown too fast
And she herself was aged and weary
In the hospital bed, by her side her daughter sat
"Mommy don't leave me"
 May 2016 TheBigShut
So glad to have you by my side,
To pull me out of my hermit hive.

The moment I'm too depressed,
Emotions started to leave at night.
The moment when life is stressed,
Insanity arrives at the spark of light.

Trying so hard to hide,
To hide my Lion Pride.

Blood is flowing, but death is living.
Wounds are open, when scratches listen.
Scars were seen, when words are keen.
Stitches were torn, when replays reborn.

You showed the length that's within the mist,
But my chain of trust doesn't exist.

Dreams so many, ideas forgotten.
Mind is weary, words were rotten.
Some survive, some were gone.
Thoughts created, actions undone.

You thought you know all about me,
But only the mask is what you can see.
 May 2016 TheBigShut
The silence roars...

No one can reach me.

My soul calls out to an empty void.

Do you hear my cries?

I am like the lone wolf

Howling into the night

Going out of my mind

For the company of my kind.

Like a ***** in search of a friend,

I'll just keep whistling to the end.
 Mar 2016 TheBigShut
Emily B
she asks him
do you believe

in magic?

in ghosts?

in angels?

and he thinks
he does

he'd rather talk about
how soft she is
and how lonely
he's been

he doesn't understand
the magnetism
that draws him
toward her

he doesn't understand
the poetry
that happens
in confused conversations

he doesn't understand

or conflict
that advances and withdraws
with no warning

he can't see her blue skies
and doesn't know
that they bring real tears
that fade when
the rain comes

these things almost never
end well

maybe she should have asked
do you believe in me?
i've never loved a pair of blue eyes
just seas of green and everything in between

i've never been a part of something larger
just floating around in an endless harbor

i've never laughed with such conviction
accompanied with the feeling of a bare existence

i've never chosen to be loved so easily
but with you it comes so peacefully
 Mar 2016 TheBigShut
y i k e s
you're not as dependent as you assume
                                                          ­        once you leave the room

give your self some time alone
                                                      put down the phone
i dont need you like i thought i did. thank you.

//"put down the phone" seems a little condescending to me so I'd like to explain. more or less it's basically saying stop messaging the person you feel too attached to, it's okay to be alone
 Mar 2016 TheBigShut
 Mar 2016 TheBigShut
Not every lonely soul
Is looking for a saviour.
A person's solitude
Is the only company
They need.
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