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 Apr 2017 julia
Debanjana Saha
Its okay to fall hard,
Its okay to be in lows,
Its okay that life is hard
Its okay that you want to cry out sometimes,
Its okay to not find someone you love,
Its okay not to hear from special someone you like,
Its okay not to find anyone around,
Its okay if things doesn't go as we want,
Its okay if you keep remembering someone,
Its okay if your fate doesn't allow you to be happy,
Its okay if people judge you for wrong,
Its okay to leave what's eating you inside out,
Its okay to break apart,

Its okay! Its okay!

Its okay you are strong enough to figure out all!
Its okay not to lose heart,
Its okay to find the precious moments of being alone,
its okay to smile again after a turbulent storm,
Its okay to not tame our love for all,
Its okay to feel the freshness of life once and for all,
Its okay to live one more time,
Its okay to find your steps one day at a time.

Its okay! Its okay!
Today I was broken apart but suddenly I found a girl whom I would rarely speak was there for me for hours long..We exchanged our stories of life with some hints and we both found out that we went through  a lot..Our eyes spoke how much we struggled for months & years to heal from inside. And she just said, Its okay Its okay! And that's what brought back my strength.We all have to get through life each day at a time. That's life, an unknown beautiful roller-coaster ride!

Thanks to my new friend with whom I enjoyed a cup of coffee and it was all okay after a while :)
 Feb 2017 julia
Not a poem
 Feb 2017 julia
I know this is a poetry site, but Tyler Joseph needs to know in every way how much he means to me. Without him and his music, I probably wouldn't be alive, writing poetry anymore. So, thank you Tyler. You deserve the best birthday anyone could ever have. The song, Migraine, is one that speaks so dearly to my heart. No, you are not alone, Tyler! I am right here with you. And yes, Fridays are indeed better than Sundays. :) I need your music and your words! Who else is going to encourage me to keep living?? I love you so much Tyler. And Josh :).
 Dec 2016 julia
Little Bear
 Dec 2016 julia
Little Bear
did i let go
of you ?
or did you
let go of me?
did i slip
your fingers?
or did you
slip through
either way
we were
and now..
 May 2016 julia
gray rain
I* love you
with a heart
only for you
and you don't
say it back
maybe it's 'cause
you know
the true message
of this
is only seen
by yo
 Apr 2016 julia
Rushing ecstasy
Intensive flow
Rising high
Crashing low
Raging apathy
Falling apart
Chaotic outbreak
Back to the start

I accept
I don’t mind
I cry in silence
I endure
I pretend to be right
no longer
it’s the time
I want to be
I want  live my life
I want to be happy
it’s the time
it’s my time
 Apr 2016 julia
Abigail Sedgwick
I suppose there is
a thunderstorm
brewing up outside.
I suppose it rivals
the lightening storm
you're holding deep inside.

I suppose there is
someway that I
am surely to be blamed.
I suppose you could link
either storm
right back to my name.

I suppose that some might
jump or fret when they hear
the thunder roll...
I suppose that might
cause me to fear if not
for the CRACK
of your soul.
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