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Jeffrey Pua Jan 2017
We are talking about years,
Endeavors, dreams, moments.
A day has enough problems on its own,
     And you are stronger than
          You will ever think you are.

These scars, these ceremonial
Scars you bear, imprints
Eternally embedded,
     Proudly present to you
          The true challenge of the heart.

2017, in the cold, calm winter, Germany,
January, prematurely, you will open
What you fought so hard for just to close
     In hope of letting some healing in
          And fiercely love again.

You will make space, bridges,
Towers, arrange your stars,
Set your cardboard, pick wild flowers,
Eat one cup of rice instead of two,
Do some sit-ups, and let yourself wait
     And wait and wait
          For her to get here.

Here, in the middle,
In the very scar you reopen.

Happy New Year.*

© 2017 J.S.P.
Unnoticed Notes Dec 2016
Erika Soerensen Dec 2016
Inside my brain lives a lush, multi-colored
garden full of blossoming word play
and ancient discoveries.
As Venus magically touches my lips,
mind and heart, I am reborn.
She is the fiery spark that
ignites all the fireflies slumbering in my imagination,
gleefully waiting for my siren’s call.
When I’m in tune with creation it’s like
riding a wave made of all that is truly me,
and I meet myself over and over again
capturing with words the reality of my existence.
But, when I am disconnected, scrambled, fuzzy, blank, numb….
it’s the worse abandonment I’ve ever endured.
Ignatius Hosiana Nov 2016
There were no lonelier nights than those
he had so much to transcribe but wouldn't find
the right sentences to lend prominence to
his indistinct meditation.
There were no colder moments
than when he found it close
to impossible to clutch the brush
of his mind, and paint his
everlasting torments.
Such nights were
lonely and
Sparkling Dust Nov 2016
I stopped writing in a way that satisfies me
My writings are always hanging, empty
It's like I can't feel it
It *****
Maybe this is a "cool off"
Like how they do in relationships
Or a freaking divorce
I know it will come back someday
But not now
Not anytime soon
I need to take a break
Find myself
And be able to write again
“Drained out”
Francie Lynch Nov 2016
I will pen a real long poem,
One that goes on and on.
It will  be Universal,
Get added to all categories:
There's two thousand plus
Themes we write on,
From first breath
To the dust we lie in.

My poem would weave
The Fabric of Love,
Dripping from
A Heart that Hurts,
To offer solace and love's comfort.

It couldn't be one of
Ten Words,
But myriads in
A Sea of Thoughts;
Added to
All Time Favourites,
And Words Worth a Thousand Pictures.

If you like Beautiful Tragedies,
I'll jot a verse on Life Stories.
I'd pen a stanza for Love for the Moon,
Lines to make An Exceptional Poem.

The keen reader adds it to Genius Speaks,
The younger hearts to Sweets for the Sweet.
The darker side clicks Macabre and Mayhem,
They too are Becoming Human.

I'd accept a like for Best Sweet and Sour,
I'd  be happy with Whatever, Whenever.
The weird add it to Psychopath,
The regular to Treasureworth.

It may contain the Inspired Word
To advise those trapped in Parenthood.
Oh My Goodness, it's A Poem to Keep,
One to read, then Read and Repeat.

But mine will lie in Buried Treasures,
Disappear in Endangered Species...
Hey, I got a Thank You For Sharing,
This Made Me Smile.

I think you get my drift, indeed,
I've written The Best of Hello Poetry.

So, Poets Speak Loud on **** Good Stuff,
Write The Story of Life, The Ultimate Poem,
On Love is the Purpose, or Who We Are,
I'll add your verse to Top Notch,
And yours is one of *My Favourites.
Edit and repost.
With so many themes, who can claim writer's block.
Ami Shae Oct 2016
Time's embrace has captured me
held me captive
where none can see
the bonds, the scars, the pain I feel--
but me and TIME both know
that it's all too real
and some day soon
I might escape to freedom again
away from this misfortune and doom
of an empty and dreadfully ink-less pen.#
A lot going on. Hard to write...
Jeffrey Pua Oct 2016
True lions ruling their pride.*

© 2016 J.S.P.
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