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Zywa Mar 18
Waking up, lightly

balancing between repose --

and my brand new day.
Composition "Fragile Balance" (2014, Jürg Frey), for ensemble and piano, performed on four saxophones by the Amstel Quartet in the Organpark on March 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #99
Zywa Mar 11
Half awake I am

floating in my consciousness --

and in my body.
Composition "Fragile Balance" (2014, Jürg Frey), for ensemble and piano, performed on four saxophones by the Amstel Quartet in the Organpark on March 8th, 2025

Collection "org anp ARK" #100
I hate four o’clock in the morning.

When the sky barely starts choking up colors for the new day;
when the foxes preach their screeching sermons to the dew-strewn grass;
when I can’t bear to face the day

I hate four o’clock in the morning
because it reminds me that nothing will be patient enough
for my weary bones to gather once more.
It reminds me that,
like all things,
time will march on-
and I am not yet brave enough
to follow its battle cry.

I hate four o’clock in the morning,
and I haven’t gotten enough sleep
because I have given everything
to something that will barely give me back half.

But that’s the way of things, no?
We give
and give
and give
for what?

I think I forgot.
I have a tendency to wake up at 4 o'clock in the morning for whatever reason, and the worst part is it takes me a really long time to fall back asleep, so I wake up at 4 in the morning and I can't do anything about it :((
Zywa May 2024
I wake up. But hey!

How many hours did I sleep? --

Where am I? And when?
Novel "Quichotte" (2019, Salman Rushdie), part 2, chapter 9

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Feb 2024
I am just floating

around and almost ready --

to wake up slowly.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @wind section

Collection "org anp ark" #356
Zywa Feb 2024
Something is at hand,

so I better find a way --

out of my slumber.
Personal transmission-composition "Occam ocean" for orchestra (2015, Éliane Radigue), performed in the Organpark on February 3rd, 2024, by ensemble ONCEIM (L'Orchestre de Nouvelles Créations, Expérimentations, et Improvisations Musicales) and others - @strings

Collection "org anp ark" #355
Zywa Nov 2022
The landscape awakes

in hesitant morning light --

still breathing silence.
"Fuga in C" (2022, Samuel Vriezen) for harmonium, performed by Samuel Vriezen in the Organpark on October 30th, 2022

Collection "org anp ark" #243
Payton Hayes Feb 2021
The whites are missing from your eyes, darling, and there's nothing
I can do to bring your body back to life.

And my darling, you know that I love you, but you love your demons
more than you could ever love me.

Found poem from lyrics in "Demons" by Social Repose and "Waking Up" by PVRIS.
I'm not entirely sure this is a poem, but it was written in 2016. I take no credit for the song lyrics, only the combination of them. :)
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