I've insane rage inside it kills
O comfort me with Mother love
its wills will me to do self ills
i've insane rage inside it kills,
O Mother mine please hold me still
gently gentle me free from fear
i've insane rage inside it kills
O comfort me my Mother dear.
This rage will will me underground
dear gentle me with Mother love
down on Earth i am so hell bound
this rage will will me underground,
i might reach peace, deep underground
i'm teetering just one shove,
this rage will will me underground
dear gentle me with mother love.
I called you came, you comfort me
though rage still wills me underground
you gentled me to let it be
i called you came you comfort me,
those future years i feared, you see
i wasn't shoved i just jumped down
you called i came you comfort me
together now, deep underground.
Triolet X 3.