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Masuda Khan Juti Nov 2019
rolling drop of sweat
slowly slowly drops.
From the bottom of your breast
aiming straight it falls
On your thigh it tries to rest
But it's a sticky plummet
neth jones Jul 2018
I feel gummy
I do 'the correct thing'
and move on ;
Fizza Abbas May 2015
I plummet deep
inside the castle of
your self-hood
under the scorching
rays of the sun,
so that its brightness
become a witness
by forcing me to peer
at the infra canopy of yours!
Sometimes I feel like I'm boundless

The sky cannot contain me
I shall soar into the infinite expanse
I am free to fly wherever I choose

Then, my heart crashes
Plummeting to the ground

I realize I don't even have wings

— The End —