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Gideon Mar 8
I soak up rays of warmth from the sun
as it covers my limbs like a blanket.
I am calm, content, and curious.
My curiosity is unbridled,
and my creativity is bolstered
by the satisfaction I feel.
I wish to grow and reach new heights.
This freedom comes from the sun,
as my leaves photosynthesize its warmth into energy.
My stem reaches taller, and new leaves unfurl.
I create a new version of myself with every sunny day.
The Ozone erupts Hotforms
That zapped a lively man his strength
Gives live to dying plant.
Vitæ Feb 2024
You live
in the cells of me
suspended in
radiant light

like roots resting
under a willow tree
weeping silently
into bloodstream

or softness planted
in summer rain
blooming petals
on a pulsing vein

beneath soil
rich with life,
all leaf, insect
and cell
are One

You —
are a garden
quietly living
as the Sun.
Safana Sep 2020
With out sun
there is no light
in the day on to
the earth, absence
of the sunlight
green wouldn't
to feed the plant
Without you my heart will grow fonder
Bongani G-kay Jul 2020
After the dark always comes the light...
i will grow and move on...
am good better off alone...
i tried to keep it curve...
cone...with ice...
me and you...
am looking deep in your eyes..

sun set...
photosynthesis done...
i think you the one...
i love and trust...
does that still exist...
i don't want to live in the world...
where you don't co-exist....
nothing is broke left to fix...
i wish i was young..
back then...when i was six...
it was crafted...up in here....
my greatest fear was knowing the truth about me...
family separated....
everyone full of hatred....

the change of light after dark...
look at me now...
trying my luck....
life is a gamble....
i throw the dice....everyday
for the nice life anyway.....
i don't do it for me...but for the fam too...

i too...
need a making
Its all about change we have after the dark...struggle change you to see somethings on a better view
Michael R Burch Apr 2020
The Evolution of Love
by Michael R. Burch

Love among the infinitesimal
flotillas of amoebas is a dance
of transient appendages, wild sails
that gather in warm brine and then express
one headstream as two small, divergent wakes.

Minuscule voyage—love! Upon false feet,
the pseudopods of uprightness, we creep
toward self-immolation: two nee one.

We cannot photosynthesize the sun,
and so we love in darkness, till we come
at last to understand: man’s spineless heart
is alien to any land.
                                   We part
to single cells; we rise on buoyant tears,
amoeba-light, to breathe new atmospheres ...
and still we sink.
                              The night is full of stars
we cannot grasp, though all the World is ours.

Have we such cells within us, bent on love
to ever-changingness, so that to part
is not to be the same, or even one?
Is love our evolution, or a scream
against the thought of separateness—a cry
of strangled recognition? Love, or die,
or love and die a little. Hopeful death!
Come scale these cliffs, lie changing, share this breath.

Keywords/Tags: love, microscopic, amoebas, pseudopods, microbes, photosynthesis, darkness, night, stars, evolution, shared breath
Dirt Witch Jun 2018
Who but afternoon

Susurrations of heat speak?

Where but earth

Stars feed

(As electrons sway

And pour through walls;

Spin gold to sugar,

Greenly tasted

By the lips of mammalian tongues

Eating fat

With gardens and stolen glucose) ?

Incapable of creation -

Who, but we,

Mythic meditation on photosynthesis
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