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he is my patience but
you are my passion -
a flame lit from within
and mouths melting
from touching skin.
electric jolts and
burning flesh.
i thought i knew
you best in the
light of the moon
when fat moths
rest in a cocoon.
car doors open and
fogged up windows
with ragged words
whispered in the quiet
of twilight for this is the
last time or so we claim.
warm mouth but cold
hands and long limbs.
am i your favourite sin?
it’s probably all part of
a plan we are too young
to understand so we get
it out of our system again
and then shake our heads
at our sick tug of war game.
pain and shame with desire
and stiff bones set afire -
shall we do it again…?
R N Tolliday Mar 2022
In making up for lost time,
Towards my dream, years-long,
Of many New Year's–gone resolutions,
I've made only a tiny step, in comparison to others,
But a step forward, nonetheless.

'Cause I had to breathe, and I've been unfolding into many, newer, earthier paths.
I've had my struggles, of consistent lengths, and had to clear those dark clouds.
Today I stand on firmer ground.
Grounds that I want firm for everyone.

The mountain of my book is very tall and long,
But no matter it, nor the length of my stride: I'm moving forward again.
Towards those things I love the most, and of which, their end isn’t certain.
Kacie Sep 2023
She  expresses your inner thoughts
Subconsciously bringing them to the surface.
Makes you think and question our very existence.
But bring peace of mind.
She’s  more beautiful than the first flower of spring.
More disturbing than hell itself.
She has connected us through history without using
a single word.
I give it my all , my whole body and soul.
My opinion and your opinion
Isn’t wrong nor right.
A mystery that has always there from caveman era
To the modern day.
Why would I want anything else when it is everything.
She is all I am, all I want.
A voice so powerful it tortures evil.
And calms the people.
She is art itself.
Deep in the folds
My vulnerable places
Like a draft displaces
Turbid Stagnance
Firey sun illuminates
The dewey fertile soil
Infiltrating unturned
Spongy depths
Stimulates the follicles
Teases tenacious life
Into frothing vigorous
Surging prominence
Hungry searching tongues
Tasting the flushed flesh
So forceful and so hot
in open air
Primitively freely
My hunger
Devour me
Like a flame
My pride and shame
To surrender
Is to love you
And the falling
Hurts the best
Thomas W Case Aug 2023
Your raven hair drapes
my bronzed back.
I attack your neck and
*******, beamed by the
moonlight, I carry you to
Nirvana on a chariot made
of steel.
Man Aug 2023
On the waterfront, in a freight car-
Call it passion, call it desire.
Whatever it is that inspires-
That thing that wrings
One more day out.

What songs angels sing!
As they ferry souls along,
On flight, in wing
En route:
But the dead walk amongst the living, too,
And sometimes even angels get confused.

Poor, empty vassal
Odd Odyssey Poet Aug 2023
I've seen the glass of your eyes,
as the glow brightly of a reflecting despair,
Desires of a searching heart; still unfound
as we've gone a couple rounds
To a cost of pleasure, divided in equal parts;
we are the amount of a harmonic ****** found
Seeking multiplication; hopefully not by mistake,
and parasites at the most, feeding on each other's side
longing to kiss your face, and losing my tongue in that
secret place

To make the sweetest of love- a wright,
a maker ironically who messes up your make up,
So wrong of me in such a feeling that feels so right,
a cloud of the night, who covers your eyes to the atmosphere,
Whether we weather this together, it isn't a goal of mine,
to get you to any point of dryness
And with all these kisses made of wine; red lips of passion,
with all of the kisses that don't taste less of the finest

Our silhouettes will be animations of our character,
climbing into bed lastly; as the final step of foreplay's ladder
I'm a little old fashioned, wearing myself down,
and wrinkling time with the intentions of leaving lines on your
body matter

No matter;
we'd play prior movie scenes with a little more action,
holding onto a moment in a body's lens- let's capture
The best parts of ourselves, for the best never lasts too long,
so we'd try to get the catchy parts to reminisce on its chorus
Like every popular and trending love song,
but I'm spending too much time on my own words
Especially for someone who has been waiting for so long,
so we'd best play into our desires like playing that song,
                            "baby, let's get it on"
Deepali Aug 2023
And today i got to feel u back again.
Read my old Poem, I wrote for you,
When i was in pain.

Never knew, you would be the one
Who actually read my black diary that day
lines you wrote on pages to next pages
u got me, i got you tooo
My dopamine got Lit up for you in that way.

One movie date and two night-outs with no talks in our whole friendship at all
3 years knowing you as a hip hop producer
i really felt your production was different
Those beats are just Wow.

"Insane" - His name all that matters.
Both hustling for music as career
i saw hardworking stupid kid
i wana never let you ever ever suffer.

Trance lover me,
Getting Rapped up Altitudes Of love
relaxing my mind when we grind
With music we both breathe-in
No lovestuff to waste our time...
And soo...
I hold back my pampering child
Oh heaven! Its all Right
These second thoughts still remain the same
i realized my love is true for you
Its ******* Insane!!!
Will i be marrying you or not
I still get those Second Thoughts.
Hey Shubh. you are doing great. We love you. ♡
Kris Fireheart Aug 2023
Another Anniversary,
Where I find myself

I think upon the memories
We shared when we
Were one...

A once important part of me,
I lost when you
were gone...

Another anniversary,
I dream I'm in
Your arms...

To turn the clock
To feel that touch again...

A love I won't allow
To leave,
I'm yours until the end....

I curl up and I
Try to sleep,
Upon my empty bed...

I cry and grasp upon
The key,
And hear the words you said...

"I know our life isn't the best,
But you're the one for me.
And one day when We've
Gotten free "

"I'll buy you a ring..."
Today is the day I met my departed fiancé, Chucky,  who died of a ****** overdose on October 16, 2013. We both took a shot, but i woke up and he didn't... So tonight is for drinking, tonight is for thinking, and remembering how we lived and loved.  "We're so free, you and me... We even share the stars..." -- Chucky  Mallon, August 12, 2010, Eleanor Tinsley park, on the hillside. I remember and I miss you.
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