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Rod E Kok Oct 2014
I write my words
to paint a picture,
one of hope,
of love.

I’d awaken passion,
if only I could.
We could walk on beaches,
listen to ocean’s roar,
dedicating that moment
to the rest of our lives.

I’d dry your tears,
write your pain,
your suffering
into the depths
of the sea.

My pen draws pictures
of swirling lines,
surrounding us,
holding us close
in each other’s arms.

I pray my inkwell
never runs dry,
my quill flying across
pages of love.

I pray my words
comfort you,
warm you
and fill you
with pictures of us.
Together always.
For today's prompt, we were given a bunch of quotes from different writers / poets / famous people. I chose a line from Leonardo da Vinci. There is so much more I could have written in this piece, but I chose to keep it simple. Please enjoy.

Rod E. Kok
October 14, 2014

“Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.”
― Leonardo da Vinci
Rod E Kok Oct 2014
Yellows, greens and reds
teardrops fall on resting land
the colour of life
Dear reader, it has been some time since I've written a Haiku. As I was travelling today (a 6 hour drive from my parents place to home), I was thinking about the #OctPoWriMo prompt for day 13. Colour. What does colour mean to me? And as I was driving, I decided to write a haiku, mostly because it was a form I could work with in my head, and have my wife write down the nonsense as it came to me. And so, somewhere along Highway 2 northbound, my poem was born. Please enjoy.

Rod E. Kok
October 13, 2014
Rod E Kok Oct 2014
A descent into darkness,
this journey is not
My feet skid
as if on loose gravel,
I fall, tearing my palms
on shards of rock.

I don’t want this!

I fight, my struggle
ends in tears.

My only desire
is for peace.
Serenity now,
tranquility forever.

Your love, your strength
turns my weeping
into laughter.

You alone possess ability
to guide me back
to a passion for living,
for loving.

Answers to prayer
heal those wounds,
as slowly my path
leads to new beginnings.
Today’s challenge, dear reader, was a tricky one. We were given words like lust, desire, covet, possess and obsession. I struggled with this, and changed my mind several times about what direction I wanted to go. Finally I wrote this piece. It wasn’t at all what I expected, but it really does reflect me. I hope you enjoy it.

Rod E. Kok
October 12, 2014
Rod E Kok Oct 2014
Memories of yesteryear
Our long walks
On moonlit paths
Not a care in world
Save for each other
Cautiously holding hands
Approaching love
Precious reminiscence
Everyday grateful
Solitude together
Hello dear reader. Today's prompt for #OctPoWriMo was to write about the moon, and how it affects us. I didn't use any of the word prompts, but the one 'feeling' prompt I used was based on the word nostalgic. Also, this poem marks the first time in this challenge that I have strayed away from FreeVerse poetry. Today's work is an acrostic. Thus, the name of the poem is Moonscapes, and the first letter of every line forms that word. Please enjoy.

Rod E. Kok
October 8, 2014
Rod E Kok Oct 2014
There is no such thing
as perfect silence
in my normal existence.

In waking hours,
thoughtful cacophony
fills my head,
filtering out the sounds
that really matter.

In my sleep,
dreams shout aloud
all the wonders
I recall from
distant memory.

But I came close
to attaining such
such aloneness.

Strong boughs held
me up, keeping me safe
from the dangers

A broken grip,
losing touch with
the support
I forgot about.

Deafening pain
roared through
my very being,
muting my desire
to listen to reason.

I heard nothing,
except for my own desire
to live
in silence.
Today's prompt for #OctPoWriMo is 'silence'. We have a visual prompt, which is the picture immediately preceding the poem, and we have the word. Silence. Can you hear it? My poem today went in an unintended direction, but I am happy with the outcome. Please enjoy.
Rod E. Kok
October 7, 2014
Rod E Kok Oct 2014
There is a new chill in the air,
my aging bones attest to
its bitter sting.

Dog days of summer have passed,
change is in the air.
Colors change,
moods are different.
All around us,
melancholy sets in
as we prepare for
winter’s doldrums.

Through arthritic reminders,
my body prepares to battle
this northern climate’s
failure at global warming.

Yet it’s not an end
to anything,
but rather a beginning.

Fall into winter
so we can
spring into summer.

It really is
Here's is today's challenge for #OctPoWriMo: Write a poem influenced by your feelings about autumn. Do you see autumn as a beginning or the beginning of the end? Chose at least three from this list of words below.
The words: chill, renewal, death, rebirth, harvest, melancholy, aging, change
I hope you enjoy today's offering.

Rod E. Kok
October 5, 2014
Rod E Kok Oct 2014
I took a risk,
dipped into
a huge vat of

Admitting weakness,
hinting at illness
is not an easy
road to travel.

Some understand,
but they are few.

Most scoff, believing
nothing of the torment
a mind can go through.

Yet in the darkness
of a soul’s revolution,
there is a light
which direct’s one’s eyes
to a way of peace.

Be that what it may
for you,
I have found
my strength.

His name
is Jesus.

With him by my side
and his Spirit in
my heart
I will fight.

I will be liberated
from this dank cell
of depression.

I will rejoice.
I will be free.
I will live.
Today, the word prompts for OctPoWriMo were 'risk, revolutionary, reawaken, reclaiming', while the 'feeling' words were 'courageous, energetic, liberated and spirited'. I don't know if I fully completed the theme as was outlined, but that's ok. I still wrote. Here then, is my 4th poem this month. Please enjoy.

Rod E. Kok
October 4, 2014
Rod E Kok Oct 2014
Murmured voices break the silence

To my right
a cute couple clink
their wine glasses together
in a celebratory toast.

Off to the left,
an older gentleman
engages an old-ish lady
in whispered conversation.
I’m guessing he’s whispering
sweet nothings to his bride.

The well dressed young man
standing at the bar
survey’s the crowd,
looking restless.
He seems to be waiting

Ah, that beautiful girl
that just walked in.
Her eyes light up,
his face breaks into
a big smile.

I love the ambience
of this old place.
Red carpets,
dim lights,
candles flickering in
every direction.

My time here is
almost done.
I only need
some sugar
for this last
cup of coffee.
My prompts for today were the words sweet, chocolate, indulgence and sugar. I struggled with this, but as I sit on my couch with the Coffitivity app playing in my headphones, it came to me. I hope you enjoy it.
Rod E Kok Oct 2014
I spent my day
counting blessings.

One gift of life
that my father
and mother
welcomed as me.

I know how to count,
two follows one,
but amidst much thought
I can't see three.

I'm stuck, entrenched,
mired in the glue
that holds me
where I am.

This second blessing,
the one that defines me,
is like manna from Heaven.

Two hands, holding steadfast
through ups and downs
life and death
sickness and health.

Two looks, eyes to eyes
passing an understanding
through a mere glance.

Two hearts, intertwined
to become one,
beating to a cadence
of love.

I counted my blessings
and got stuck at two.

For there it was
Me and you.
My second poem for #OctPoWriMo

— The End —