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Now I am "okay"
It can change without warning,
Emotions are fickle, I learn this everyday
Mike Essig Apr 2015
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
      From: *The Notebooks of Lazarus Long
Specialization makes us ever more dependent on others. A bad and dangerous trend.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
David Foster Wallace told a tale of three fish. A large old fish and two young fish were swimming toward each other. When they met, the old fish said to the young fish, "How's the water. They swam on. Finally one little fish said to the other, "What's water?"

This is as important a parable as Jesus ever uttered.

While none of the fish can escape the water, the crucial thing is to be aware of it. We can't escape the water of usury founded capitalist consumerism, but we can become aware of it and change how we swim.

Minimalism is a way of saying ******* to the water. It is a way of saying, I may have to swim here, but I will consciously choose how I swim. That's huge.

A minimalist says I will live on as little as possible. I will participate in proletarianized labour as little as possible. He says to the usurers, I will not feed you through debt. He chooses to live (well) on the cast-offs of consumer society. He says I will not watch your lies on TV. I will avoid the State as much as I can. I will fly (as much as still possible) under the radar. I will live my life. I will live my truths. I will be me.

This cannot be done perfectly. It can be done in many ways and to many degrees. The trick is to realize how it suits you and then do it. Learn to swim as you wish. Be your own fish.
I really try to do this. For example, I don't own a TV because I don't want to be propagandized by the advertising. It's a good way to live.
Mike Essig Apr 2015
These former treasures
now transformed into
anonymous junk.
Where did their history flee?
I stroll this flea market
with 10 dollars and no plan.
How many lives held these items?
Like mute Zen Masters
each has found its original face;
the desire that attached them
to life has evaporated.
They are only sad things in boxes
waiting for new hands
holding disinterested dimes,
seeking meaningless curiousities
to gather dust on lonely shelves.
This is what stuff comes to.
   - mce
I am just a Jester disguised in a Kings regalia
Leadership is not my forte
I fall in love quickly, I fall out even quicker
Haven't posted in a while this is why
What are these ten words?
A view into my mind.
First attempt
Anthony Jerome Sep 2014
I am broken inside,
beyond repair,
way past warranty.
I buy and I buy
to mend the damage,
but nothing fits.
Anisha Baid Sep 2014
If a world is known by its ideals
Let mine be known as sanity
Let all men be infertile
And all women, stale
Let streets be known for sanitation
And all babies dipped in chlorine
All talk, sterile and sufficient
All excrement concealed
Let the youth of my predecessors
And their mocking vulgarity
Drown in a town of minimal design
And shocking similarity.
Simon Forsythe Aug 2014
My gaze as

Through the view of my rear passenger window
You disappear into a home where thoughts or murmurs of me are
Seldom conceived the same way

You walk away is never the same once
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