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avoid military service
due to a bone spur
for which there is no evidence

have managed to tell
an average of 16.5 lies per day
since elected into office

slander possible opponents
and everybody else who
has a different opinion

divide their country
at a time when unity
were most desirable

sets police on peaceful protesters
just so they can pose for a photo-op
before a church flaunting a bible

but only for self-aggrandizement
     no prayer
     no empathy
for those who suffer most
    the victims of racist violence
    the thousands of deaths from the pandemic
        caused by his delayed actions
    the 20 millions of unemployed

people there are who
are simply too incompetent
to lead a country
They say I am a third world soldier.
They say I should be a proud warrior,
I am the protector of the mass, guardian of freedom and order
My job is from the centre to the border.
But, all I do is **** and die for the master.

I feel like a hunter's dog,
Only, the hunter is my government.
I ****, ****, ****, I die.
In the name of the law, in the name of freedom and order,
I draw blood.
I draw red blood, dead blood, innocent and guilty blood.

Master gives me bones of the dead, they call them medals.
Master floats on the river of blood.
Oh! I am a warrior, I am a dog.
I tried to follow the style of Pedro Pietri.
it's kind of crazy how much my family has moved
Before we even gain momentum we lose our groove
We commonly hear gone so soon?
I'm just the dark side of the moon
Waiting for the millitary family gloom to cease
The soldiers who fight for our country
Have a harder job than we ever will
They're getting tired of reading the other wills
Most people would run for the hills
When a bullet gets close to them
But this is another day in the office for them
Merely a realistic training session
But there are no takebacks or redos.
It's all real.
This court can't appeal
Just sit in silence
Silence is harmonic and hellish simatenously
Too hard to explain
The Military is tough work. Hardest job there is. Harder than anything I will ever do.

— The End —