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pauline Oct 2019
I must admit
It's tiring
Everyday is more exhausting
I'm not sure if it's just in my head
Or this is our new reality
I try to look on the brighter side
But when I see you, I feel lost
I am no longer certain
How much more I am willing to endure
Until when I can take this

I am tired
And today is more tiring than yesterday.
letters and poems you won't be able to read
Hussein Dekmak Oct 2019
Eye contact,
Unspoken letters on the lips,
Soft smiles on faces;
Entwined hearts for eternity!

Hussein Dekmak
Edited 2
Vic Sep 2019
If you ever look for poetry,
In this weird place.
Just look under my alarm clock.
I keep all my unsent love letters and way too long poetry under my alarm clock. It's a big pile now. Who cares though?
Describe the scene, a dream that followed a horrible crime, and I must of played that album a hundred times by now.

A letter, one of my alluring poems from the mentally disorganised.

No collection of words makes one man listen, and the power to not notice a boy who stood still.

And I signed it as I did: ''From Alfred.'' with nothing but one kiss.

Because two more too many I wouldn't mean.
Zywa Sep 2019
The rust of decayed roses
in filthy vases, dust
on the table, once with love

been made from the bones
of a beech giant

next to the old letters
handwritten sketches
of two souls, forever

young without worries
no scratches in the gold

of the promised fidelity
no indefinite questions
or double doubts

that burrow and toss
between skin against skin
Collection “The Yellow House Museum”
MayC Sep 2019
you couldn't write your words
on my soul
so I put mine
on paper.

-May Colde
Audra Sep 2019
Do you focus on the letters
Or the words they form—
The letters of the law
Or it’s intent?

It’s the thoughts behind the words
The lingering questions behind the melody
That truly tell the story.

But we all focus on the words
Instead of their thoughts
And the melody
Rather than what lingers.
The sweetness,
Not the aftertaste.

Is that why we miss
What means the most?
I’ve been gone on many different levels, but now I’m back.
Starry Sep 2019
Hill Morty MD
I know you that you made mistakes that you are not proud of but remember that you are human. And humans love each other unconditionally as I do for you. Remember that I am human as well
I hope we can one day be coworkers and lovers and have a family.
Kouvr Quinn Aug 2019

1. I had a crush on you for two years but we were never friends. I don't know why I was so heartbroken, it was elementary school. I can laugh about it now but I remember being so hurt from it. I never loved you, but I guess I did for what nine year old me knew love to be at the time. The only reason I got over you was because once we hit middle school I only ever saw you a handful of times and eventually it burned out.

2. We were somewhat friends, but I knew completely that nothing would ever happen between us. I had my moments of being upset but I pretty quickly learned to be okay with everything, but I wish I stayed hung up on you rather than suddenly crashing into 3.

3. You were the first person I ever actually trusted with my heart. You were the first person to ever say you have feelings for me and I had thought I felt the same way back, but I know now that I never really loved you as anything more than a friend. I feel guilty for that, but I was only thirteen and you did an infinite amount of worse things to me. I loved you deeply as a friend but you did nothing but manipulate and abuse me. You lied to me about everything possible. I realized that you never loved me, even as a friend, because you are incapable of that. You are cold. You are sick. You were just feeding off my aching soul and always got a kick out of seeing me on the brink of death. You completely ******* destroyed me and left me wanting nothing but to disappear forever. What we had was not a relationship, and I'm not saying that to make myself feel better. Two months of being abused is not a relationship, it's an experience, one I wish I never had. I managed to get away but the scars still remain and the fear still lingers. The vile words you said to me still vibrate inside my head. It's been three years since we last spoke and I am still scared of everything that you are. I still write about you with the same poisonous anger I had from day one. You are the only person that I truly hate and that I can physically never forgive. Congratulations.

4. I don't know what you were. I think you were just a stepping stone I so desperately was trying to find just to know that I can have feelings for someone after 3 left me crying on the cold bathroom floor gasping for air. I knew you would never have any feelings for me back, you couldn't, we'd only ever be friends, but even that started to fall apart too. I was distraught over our friendship fading into the void for months, you had made me so happy and I loved goofing off with you. But after meeting new people in high school I decided that I should focus on 5 since I'd have a much better chance. I still see you around and you messaged me a month ago and it threw me off. I don't have any feelings for you at all anymore, but it's weird to see you and know how I used to feel and how dramatic I was over losing someone who never really cared.

5. You came into my life when I needed it most. You gave me genuine happiness and made me genuinely excited to wake up in the morning just so I could see you before class. Things haven't always been the best between us, but we made amends and always fought through this hell of a life together, even if that meant arguing with each other from time to time too. We both grew together. You are the first person I've ever truly been in love with, and that's such a big deal for me since I was fully convinced after 3 I was never going to trust and be happy with anyone. I didn't think I could physically love after being so destroyed and abused. I knew you'd be important to me from the moment I saw you, and that sounds so childish. I know you can't love someone without knowing them, but I had a feeling, that hunch of knowing you would be something valuable in my life. I've gone through love and heartbreak with you. Watching you love and have feelings for others has been one of the most painful experiences of my entire life, but I tried my hardest to be supportive and happy for you, just like a friend should. But I'm sorry that I love you. You never asked that of me, you never asked me to love you as anything more than a friend. I tried to prevent it from happening, but that's not how it works. And I tried to force myself to move on, for both of our sakes, but forcing feelings to go away only makes them stronger. I'm sorry that I still love you, even after all this time. I haven't gotten over it, and I'm not sure I ever will. I know you want someone who's fully committed and I swear that's me but it means nothing if you don't feel the same way back. But either way I promise that you are all I think about.

// k.q.h.
August 28, 2019
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