i think of those lab rats
living their lives
blissfully in cages
hand-fed fruit-loops
and poison
they’re happy
says the veterinarian
scribbling notes on a clipboard
while the rats drink sugar
water and run on wheels
fate is not kind to lab rats
their years are already so short
a drop in the bucket compared
to the well of time humans draw
from greedily
death is a shadow for humanity;
it is the thought gnawing on the bars
of our mind, the ghost of an animal
running endlessly on a wheel
that we placate with toys and treats
we call it housing enrichment
because even lab rats have a home
because we choose to personify everything
even the things we ****:
carbon monoxide, bloodletting, a severing of nerves
and when they breathe their last breath
we write in our journals that the animals were
sacrificed, not killed, not murdered
dying for a cause bigger than them
for science, for knowledge, for gods on sterile altars
sacrificing animals in science is a tetchy subject for most; even some scientists. i just don't want to forget the importance of a single life--that which we **** to help others survive. note: scientia potentia est translates to 'knowledge is power'