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svdgrl Nov 2014
There are those days you can truly hold onto the fact that
your minor acts of kindness are nothing extraordinary.
Actually, you could just sit in the mirror and realize
that you are over-applauded for little effort.
But like hell you won't accept the praise.
Like hell you will try to improve.
Why even raise the standard?
They adore it just as it is.
Half-baked *******
Set your bars
low enough
you could
only go
Kain O' Stella Jun 2014
I want to set you on fire. Take heed;
Don't play with desire
Life could be on the wire
With time growing tired,
and your love not invested.
But I digressed and just jested
at the idea of investment.
As if I haven't stressed this:
Take your love and your time
and invest it,
before time and desire
arrest it.
Add depth to the time you spend by casting your love unto others, or spend it selfishly fulfilling your unwarranted desires.
Chano Williams Apr 2014
What puts a smile on my face
is a smile on yours
When we sit and talk
and your problems you pour
I like you even more
when the same you do for me
When you say, "I understand,"
you're the friend of the century
I welcome your presence
because every moment counts
Time with you is like love
taken in large amounts
There's no such thing as too close
You never stray too far
What I really like about ya
is that you know who you are
You never spend your time
trying to convince others
that you are nice and kind
You just let them discover
We know where we stand
Outsiders need not apply
They see not what I do
when looking at your eyes
We connect on a level
different than most
You're my constant guest
I'm proud to be your host
You and me together
is so uncomparable;
what dreams are made of
or a love parable
High school poem

— The End —