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Veemz Jan 2015
I guess it's ok
That I spend the lowest points of my life
unknown Jan 2015
Yo I aint tryna do drugs bro
Just tryna feel the natural high that life can give tho
Was too caught up with giving a care
The **** I look like, a bear?

Dont know how long this '**** it' mood will last
But it better help me learn something from that ****** past
I'm ready to leave it all behind yo
Life's like a stop light, and right now it's green so let's go

Speaking of it, nothing's better than letting it all pass
Getting lost in the music, life is a dance so shake your ***
Nothing better than being me,
If you gotta problem better drink your own ***

Lol just kidding!
Or was I really
Come join me with this song I'm singing
It's a catchy beat so let loose and let go of your feelings
Tonight's the night that we are numb
Yeah kinda young, but not really dumb

Gotta watch out cause too much fun will get your *** kicked
Hopefully this night would be longer than your ****
**** sorry that escalated too quickly
My bad, but **** I'm not really guilty

Well man idk what to say
I guess lets just make the night fade away
Like our feelings that we felt in the past
Lol no more of that, let's live life fast
unknown Jan 2015
I'm feeling free for once in my life
Dont need to care, I'm feeling the vibe
Who cares what they say?
**** what they think
I'mma do me and take a sip of my drink

The wild animal in me is raging to come back
Go sprak on the dance floor, making it crack
Life's all about having fun, no time for being sad
Let's make the most out of it; let's do something bad

Nothing wrong with breaking the rules
If you're not about that life, stop wasting your joules
Live a little, that's all I can say
We're just having fun and it wont matter anyway
**** YA'LL
Sarah Oct 2014
if you were a true friend you wouldn't even let me stand alone

if you were my true love you wouldn't even let me stand alone

if i meant so much to you guys,

you shouldn't have let this happened
it's your loss, anyway
W Winchester Oct 2014
i guess life caught up with me
it's been chasing me down
for my entire existence

but even though it's
caught up, so-to-speak

it isn't quite here yet

and now all my problems
and tomorrows
and yesterdays
and nights

are staring me in the face
waiting to drag me down
Invocation Apr 2014
who cares if the spaghetti sticks to the ***
who cares if a guest shows up late
it's not her 18th birthday
it's my baby brother's
and I'll wear my nose ring if I want to
jesus ******* christ woman
I'd like to point out that I dont give a ****

— The End —