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gravelbar Jul 2017
Blue bubble
Blue bubble
Stick freshly planted
Plant an entrance to a secret level
Christmas tree
Sombro May 2016
To lose myself in a foggy drug
And cut a misty dream
To blister from the heat between
The love that is as seems

I taste a little bitter
Salty brows of work prolonged
Don't lead me forth on glaciers cold
If you have no heart I wronged.

Shout forthly from the rooftops
And we'll sing like cats together
For you and I we own the moon
And on it planted fields of heather.

For each other for ourselves
Take me out

To explore
I like this one
Happy Birthday Heather
I will not state your age
If people want to know it
They can go visit your page

You run a band of poets
A band of Lunatics at heart
But, you saw something in us
And you saw it from the start

We all write different styles
Some are funny, some morose
Some of us have stories
And sometimes, we get gross

But, Heather, you're our leader
And on behalf of all us vandals
Don't put the fire brigade to work don't light your ****** candles!!!

Happy Birthday Hev! Best wishes
We share more than just a last name in my book.

All the love

Roger and Megan Turner
Birthday poem for a friend
Mike Essig Apr 2015

Facts are not
a life.


old man
park bench
hot sun

but not enough.

An old man
on a green park bench
baking in the hot sun.

but not the truth.

An old man,
still boyish,
sitting on a
green park bench
baking in the hot sun
that strange young girl
a paisley scarf,
red and blue silk,
standing like Venus
poised above
blue Aegean water
on the deck
of a white steamer,
her black hair flowing,
four decades past.

Closer still, yet missing...

An old man,
still boyish,
sitting on a
green park bench
baking in the hot sun
that strange young girl
a paisley scarf,
red and blue silk,
standing like Venus
poised above
blue Aegean water
on the deck
of a white steamer,
her black hair flowing,
four decades past.
He smiles,
her hot breath,
her long sighs,
her silken thighs:
she lives again.

The poem at the confluence
of memory and imagination
engenders the stories
which render meaning.

Stories about stories;
all we can know of life,
yet enough.
Liz May 2014
The purple haze
of heather had
dwindled in the sunshine.
Bluebells were breaking too,
their florets a flutter.
Smoggy incense rolls in
off the horizon smoking
over the crumbled mountaintops,
their peaks unable to break the surf.

— The End —