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Anisah Nov 2017
the thorns of a rose,
they give such a sweeter truth
than the petals do.

-By Anisah Mariah
Babra Shafiqi Apr 2017
I wouldn't let the silent skies
shush our love.
It's a storm everyone knows.
Born every night.
When leaves crawl and clouds
sing through thunders,
They sing for our love
that blooms under the blanket
of our beds.
As the birds wake us up
the next chilled morning,
We become the warm breeze
from the much warmer sun.
I'll never let the weather change us,
Mould us with the tornado's
or grasp us in the rains.
I'll always let us scream,
All in the name of Love.
©Babra Shafiqi. Comment below and let me know how  you guys like it.

— The End —