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Debbie Brindley Sep 2017
You came into my life
aged 4

Such a sweet wee thing
and to this heart
of mine
much pleasure
you did bring

I had laughter
and love
with my little boy
But girls
bring a different joy

You really were
a lovely girl
You put my life
into a whirl

We did crafts
dress ups
had days
filled with fun
Your hair
shone golden
when out in the sun

Now you're an adult
Into a lovely young lady
you've grown
with a husband
and a baby girl
A family of your own

So now I have a grandaughter
to give me years
of pleasure
and I'm sure just like her mum
she'll give me memories I'll forever treasure
This was written with much love
for my beautiful stepdaughter
who has been part of my life for almost
Emiline Koljonen Jan 2017
When she walks into your kitchen crying,
put down your half scrubbed ***,
turn off the faucet,
wipe the water off of your hands with a white dish towel.
Like her eyes are trying to dry themselves on her pale cheeks.

You wrap your arms around her
and let her cry into your hair.
You feel like a mother
comforting a child who has just lost their favorite stuffed toy.

Her grandfather just passed away,
and this is the first time she has left her house since that night.
The night she couldn't drive fast enough to say goodbye.

You don't wipe the tear from her jaw line.

You're afraid your water wrinkled fingers
will remind her
of him.
I wrote this a few years ago and it's a perspective retelling of encounter with my friend who came to my house in a state of mourning a week after losing her grandfather.
Order in Chaos Oct 2015
Your passing broke me into pieces-
I am now incapable of love.

I'll meet you soon,
Cori MacNaughton Sep 2015
When I gaze into the mirror
my mother's eyes peer out
on the first day with a twinkle
on the next a wistful pout
Though our eyes are different colors
more alike we are then no
still her thoughts to me a mystery
she may never choose to show

The mirror on another day
my grandmother becomes
watching birds at breakfast
saving them the finest crumbs
Formidable and frightening
she could also often be
all too human and imperfect
still she helped to make me me

Great-grandmother another day
the mirror then became
though much lighter of complexion
now the eyes were much the same
Though a humorous and honest soul
emotions quite repressed
she affects me still more deeply
than I ever would have guessed

Today within the looking glass
the only face I see
is the youngest culmination
of these elder women three
And I see them all within me
in my talents and my quirks
still I wish that they had taught me
how to stay away from jerks.
Originally written 14 April 1999; posted today in response to a poem and subsequent conversation with Bill Hughes.

I have read this poem in public, but this is the first time it appears in print.
Francie Lynch Jan 2015
From baby
to sitter
in sixty flat;
Try speaking to that.
But I am here,
And He?

Her smile,
And drip
On my knee:
And then,
She looks up
At me.
Ellen Joyce Jul 2013
She thought that no one would come.
Everyone's someone was there
laden with sweet kisses so craved.
She felt his gaze on her back,
gentle warm strokes like the sun.
She had seen him in the night,
longing's whisper brought to life
an image her heart had saved.
She heard him call out her name
felt her lungs draw fresh breath
and her tears kiss her pale cheeks.

He thought he'd never get there.
His body trembles and aches
underneath the mask he weaves.
He draws her into his chest
kissing the top of her head
breathing in golden blessings.
Every pretense leaves him then.
He feels her spirit in his bones.
He holds her tighter, closer,
feeling familiar pain pangs,
as fears' tears stream down his face.

They thought more of each other
choosing not to dwell on self
but to give rather than to receive.
Fingers tracing round faces.
Eyes locked dancing together.
Hospital stench, ****** sheets
fade into wedding vow fabric
made clean by a lifetime's love.
Wander, wander, wandering
and though neither knows to where
shared is a love that knows all.

— The End —