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She Writes Mar 2018
The night is full of lonely people
With whiskey on their breath
And pain in their hearts
Watching the world pass by
With glassy eyes
Bryce Feb 2018
If the Sun
Were the size of a basketball
Sitting in L.A

The next closest
Nuclear furnace
Would be half a world away,
In Santiago, Chile.

Leagues of empty space,
Blackened cosmos.

Like droplets of rain,
Floating in an aetherous cloud.

We stare out of our bubble and wonder
What is there to be found?

If we are destined to empty space,
Falling upon empty planets around empty stars,

We are a singular flame
In a forest of midnight

That cannot be put out.
Driving down an empty street
Full of flashing lights
Blasting country from the speakers
And driving way too slow.
Uncertainty in the mind
As hands steer, misguided,
Diamonds cutting at the corners
As the heart feels crouched inside.

                   ...I have never felt so *alone.
Hyaline: Glassy; transparent.

— The End —