Those happy and the lovely faces
Like brothers we roamed around places
All those good times together we spent
those memories now aren't worth a cent
At least their true faces they showed
The glamorous garden at heart they mowed
So much in my mind for them had I planned
Criticized me, left the blame in my hand
Didn't see the glimpse of how much I cared
All those useless and useful things I shared
Forgave and forgave because I don't mind
A point just came, had to say am not blind
I may have left marks but never the scars
Had I been hurt, still do I see them as stars
'Toleration' is what people lack
Tolerate, wait, take a step back
c. FATeer
With respect to the former best friends.
A common sentiment, but remember; this world isn't your friend nor an enemy, it's a place of toleration(sabr) and a place waiting for people to make it a better place :)