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Mrs Timetable Feb 2020
Tell us all your
Hopes and dreams
But keep your opinions
And your hands to yourself
No wonder children are confused
Colm Jan 2020
Never give a man of words
The silent time to fly a plane
As he'll take off and write your character in the sky
In big curly letters
kain Jan 2020
Rain drums on roof tiles
And I feel strangely happy
My heart is shy and keeps quiet
But right now, leaps forwards
Dreams of plaid couches
And carpeted dreams
I'm content, again
In my own head
These little moments are becoming more and more common. I don't like this poem though. It's not great. Not sure why my brain is broken lately. Title is a Britney Spears song. Should I write my mind?
saige Jan 2020
At my funeral I want everyone to wear yellow.
I dont want to have a single person wearing black.
My whole life has been so dark,
Ive been haunted by that depressing color for too long now.
So just this once, please let me have at least a little light.
Oh and there is also going to be a bounce house. All of u are invited.
kain Jan 2020
I'm thriving
Growing like a ****
Laughing at midnight
In my room by myself
Not because I'm manic
But because I'm happy
It's been a while since I've said that
I cut up a pair of old lace tights and now it's a crop top. For me, this is what living feels like.
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