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Kat M Feb 17
Why is it that a peek into the past
Gleans direction and goals so fast?

But the memories scatter and fizzle out
As they wilt into the present full of doubt
A Couple of Couplets

Feedback Welcome!
Brian Turner Jan 2021
Modesty blaze
Modesty haze
Walking towards the next day
Walking to struggle for something to say

Modesty blaze
Modesty graze
My left knee takes a blow
My left hemisphere full of snow

Modesty blaze
Modesty anew
Winter draws in, how time flew
Winter continues, my time to cue
Winter can be like brain fog
Orchid T Aspen Dec 2019
Eventually my memory
will lament
in daydreams
that my pride
was dissolving in my bed,
that my solace
was pacing vehemently in my head,
that my martyrdom
was telling me I may recover,
that my return
was murmuring softly,
that my fury
was invading my hiding door,
that my frenzy
was stabbing at my scalp,

and perhaps my memory
will stutter
as always,

and I can stack my scabs again.
Lizzie Nelson Jun 2019
What stuff is this cotton wool behind my eyes?
A knit of foggy fibers holding fast my next thought.
Odd when my mind so flies;
at the age of fifty three I ought
to relish ripe wisdom & cognition,
yet here I am, forgetting where to turn
just to reach the kitchen.
There’s a marvelous point I want to make about this piece...........aaaand it’s gone!
Sierra Blasko May 2018
An object in motion
Will remain in motion
And today I am glad
Because even hurtling
Through space and time
At dizzying speeds
Through blinding oceans
Of stars and rings of planets
And meteors and comets
(I always seem to dodge
Last second)
Even then
I know that
If I keep
I will not
Because an object at rest
May never move again

— The End —