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OTP Apr 2019
I saw pictures of my dad today
They were on Facebook I must say
He had no hair, his beard was gray
Nothing like when we used to play
I reminisce of that October day
To be together, I now longer pray
But In my head constantly play
What would have happened if I had a said... "stay".
© 2019 OTP All Rights Reserved.
OTP Jan 2019
With you, I try my best
'Cause you mean more than the rest
To keep you with me is my quest
So I fight and put up my chest
In my heart, you're my main guest
And every time I see you it's a fest
God, I swear I'm blessed.
© 2019 OTP All Rights Reserved.
OTP Jan 2019
Is it possible I feel her from all the way from here?
That I can feel her touch even though she's not near?
If you say no, you're lying, 'cause I swear I feel her hand, and can hear...
her voice saying I love you, like when I'm close to her, right here, in my ear.
There is no such thing as distance, you're everywhere with me.

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— The End —