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Mel Feb 2015
Look past the smokescreen, foray through the challenges of the labyrinth and  descend into the infinite abyss of my arcane mind. If we survive the journey, maybe, just maybe, my armour will disappear. What lies beneath, a monster or a tragic fragility?  Can we just escape, burn bridges and never return?
Sobriquet Oct 2014
The minute shift it brought about
helped along by three pints and sneaky tequilas,
was enough
to generate
a fanfare.

For too long I have stooped,
trapped in the exoskeleton of an older world,
unable to move and unable to breathe,
for fear I will shatter the outer plates that hold me together.

But a little while ago,
I felt a crack rend the outliers, and a burst of colour I'd never seen before,
rainbowed happily through the split

So here I am,
cracking plates with rainbows,
with the Old World and an Exoskeleton I outgrew,
gathering new dust on the floor beside me.

And atop a hill moulded from wishful thinking and despair,
stronger arms build armour from a grin,
gnashing teeth and belly laughs.

So try me now,
because I am ready.
Perpetuating drunk pomposity.
cosmicashes Jul 2014
love is a battle field and not many of us are willing to fight. Most of us just want the rewards but how many will actually brave the war for love?. Don't be one of the soldiers that sit back and watch the other soldiers fight . Lace up your armour and get your shield ready, its time you fought for what's yours.
"if you love something set it free, if it loves you it will come back". I believe that if you truly love something then you would do anything you could to fight for them.

— The End —