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gray waves roll to rest
I think on that which is kind
the golden sunrise
life will deal me its lemons
I'll keep making lemonade
dear heart
be patient with me as I learn
to love myself
a little more each day
take better care of you
Learning to be kinder to me.
the early bird crows
I listen to the sunrise
the cloud fingers
plucking the strings of
a golden harp
Thoughts while waking to the sunrise.
in the sky
a pale reflection of
curved spines
you were always the big spoon
and I the little one
The moon often inspires me to write, especially at night when the nostalgia of cuddling with a past lover washes over my mind.
I can see the scar tissue
the parts of you that hurt the most
I kiss those places
those tender wounds that ache
love you more each day
age of desire
a constant bloom within
through dandelion years
the seeds of our love
grow ever still eternal
he crept in
while she slept in
always the last
and the first thing
on her mind
I have been studying the tanka form, sometimes the original japanese 5/7/5/7/5 and also the english modern form of short/long/short/long/long format. Really practicing it beacuse I find it such a unique form, so much meaning in so little words and lines.
morning fog

some days it feels like I am

barely existing

above the waves of silence

the small still voice of black birds

Depression is something I did not ask for but will not let stop me from the things I long for; achieving my dreams. In that darkness I face, the sparrow's singing, the ringing of hope will lead me to the light.
a needle

through the eye

tiny stars

I knit the dark

into dreams

again and again

the odds are stacked against me

but all is not lost

hope is a well within me

that refuses to run dry

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